Recent content by ogoutdoor

  1. ogoutdoor

    white spider

    hopefully he found his way bck on then
  2. ogoutdoor

    white spider

    theres a pretty big white spider near top of my outdoor plant i flicked it off. its about 2cm wide was wondering if it was harmful or what. thanks.
  3. ogoutdoor

    my praying plant.. help

    i could put it outside. was going to anyway but its still a bit cold
  4. ogoutdoor

    my praying plant.. help

    i just watered it yesterday after not being watered for 4 days. and the bottom fan leaves are turning yellow and are now stale
  5. ogoutdoor

    my praying plant.. help

    its 3 weeks old. stopped growing as rapid as it did the first 2 weeks. dont really know wats wrong. its under 130 watts of cfls. ph is 6.25. im thinking i should transplant to a bigger pot.what you think
  6. ogoutdoor

    Getting ready for my first grow and had a question about taking temperatures

    well heat rises so get some ventilation in the top. and test your thermometers inside your house and match it up to the inside temp. do some experiments. if you don't have a fan already you need one that cools it down also and its good for plant strength.
  7. ogoutdoor

    Males or Females??

    just wait on it
  8. ogoutdoor

    Starting Inside then taking outside

    im vegging 4 weeks inside then moving them outside. i have 90 watts on two plants atm. tinypic works for me if im useing my phone
  9. ogoutdoor

    Stunted Seedlings

    try planting in soil and ph your water every time. gl
  10. ogoutdoor

    Kali Kush 0-4 Weeks Veg. And My Setup (First Grow)

    lookin good dude, nice setup :cool:
  11. ogoutdoor

    happy seedling

    ok so i transplanted her at about a week, a little early and i guess its loving it. leaves are almost horizontal. what you think?
  12. ogoutdoor

    transplant flowering plants?

    if you feel like you should.. the pot looks a little small. it should be fine to transplant if you don't stress the roots, just don't fuck up doing it lol. goodluck
  13. ogoutdoor

    Should i take the skirt off??

    loss of leaves = loss of photosynthesis = loss of energy production = increased flowering time/growth? just a thought
  14. ogoutdoor

    1st grow.. bagseeds

    gl on your grow. and im not feeding it yet maby 2 weeks
  15. ogoutdoor

    Picture of your pet thread !!!

    beagle crossed with terroir . worst smelling mutt there is lol.