Recent content by oldsmokie66

  1. oldsmokie66

    Male or Female?

    if im seeing right, i see balls. just like mamals, pot plant males have balls, and the females have lil hairs
  2. oldsmokie66

    Outdoor watering question! (PICs)

    to tell you the truth man, i dont ever water mine. i love in the south. and it rains alot here during grow season. dpending on where you live you could try that. it works good for me. let things go natural
  3. oldsmokie66

    shoe box grow room

    it wont be good for long. a shoe box isnt very big. unless its for a size 20 snake boot. plus there is no ventilation. the plant needs fresh air flow, plus there is a lack of oxygen. thats just a few things i see that could be wrong. you can make a stealth box with big storage tubs.i made one...
  4. oldsmokie66

    How stealth does my spot sound?

    well everything sounds good, just dont use flash lights when nearing the spot. move with the light of the moon. i have been growing in the swamps around houses here in SC for years . if you do go during the day, bring a fishing rod.. chill out before and after checking on plants. bring some...
  5. oldsmokie66

    New Grow, with Jock Horror and Bubbleicious going great (pics)

    im doing almost the same thing. but i have both my boxes sittin the right way. and i painted the inside dark black instead of the outside. and my venting system is opposite
  6. oldsmokie66


    alright anybody goin to help me? im wantin to start the set up today and i wanna know if i can use these lights
  7. oldsmokie66


    alright, i bought the regular cfls, not the daylight kind. will these grow? i plant on buyin the daylight type, but will these work for now? how many watts does a plant need? ive been told 400watts per square yard. but how much does each plant need? just so yall know ive been growin...
  8. oldsmokie66

    outdoor to indoor

    thanks man.
  9. oldsmokie66

    outdoor to indoor

    ive grown plants outside for 3 years now. and my buddy decided we can use his place to grow inside. so is there any speacel ways for bringin plants from outside to under lights? and how manys watts per plant
  10. oldsmokie66

    question on cloneing

    naw im just using water and a cup. ive seen it done b4, and people on here have done it
  11. oldsmokie66

    question on cloneing

    thanks man
  12. oldsmokie66

    question on cloneing

    i just started cloneing with the old water and cup trick.. ive seen people on here do it , and i was wondering how long does it usaully take for the roots to grow? :blsmoke:
  13. oldsmokie66


    alright man, apreciate it. . ill have pics here a week or two.
  14. oldsmokie66


    what type of fert should i use ? i live in the southest U.S . ive grown for 2 years and never cared about useing them, and now i want to try it out.. so what do yall recomend. its anywhere from 80-90 degrees here now. and will be in the 100's pretty soon
  15. oldsmokie66

    Hidden grow room

    i want to make a grow room that is not obvious what it is.. anybody know any good ones?