Recent content by ootaka

  1. O

    small black bugs on leafs PLEASE HELP

  2. O

    too high of temperature?

    what about my thrips problem? it seems they come back and eat it and take shits on my plants...they don't overwhelm my plant with bites, but its not like i dont fucking notice their scratches on my leaves..i've sprayed the leaves with neem oil + dishwashin to emulsify with water. ive been doing...
  3. O

    small black bugs on leafs PLEASE HELP

    neem doesn't work for that?
  4. O

    too high of temperature?

    I broke my main stem of the white russian 3 days ago :( I wet up a paper towel and added honey. the leaves are still green on it. dont know how it survived, it was dangling by a thread of the stem. how long does it take to heal? the other plant had thrips i think despite my application of neem...
  5. O

    too high of temperature?

    thank you for all the help everyone, i turned off my hps for now until i get the necessary equipment, sucks that i cant use both at once in my situation. the carbon filter is for the smell?
  6. O

    too high of temperature?

    they arent oscillation fans, theyre duct fans without the duct, theyre suspended next to the light but not touching so they dont blow hot air out because the metal is hot
  7. O

    too high of temperature?

    im using four 3' long cfls, 39w and one 150w hps and two fans now. outside the tent its 21. i opened all the ventilation holes up see what happens and this is my first grow. should i upload pics :/ i left the tent door open and now its 30c theyve always been in 30c and thrived, i cant always...
  8. O

    too high of temperature?

    my plants seem to be thriving just fine under 32 degrees with 4 cfls on in each corner of the 2'x2' tent. but today i added a 150w hps to the equation and the temperature summed up to about 42 degrees. the fan i have working inside the tent is on high speed, i was thinking of adding a second fan...