Recent content by osteoman

  1. osteoman

    Trimming fan leafs question *pics*

    Use the leaves for homemade Cookies. Use 1 part dry fan leaves, ground to dust by a blender, with 4 parts instant oatmeal cookie mix (about a gram of leaf dust per cookie). Bake at 325 degrees.
  2. osteoman

    Is this ready ? Opinions welcome

    I took some pictures through the scope and thought I might as well post them. As of Friday, most trics are still clear with the odd milky or amber one. Hopefully the wet and cold weather is done for now, I want to wait another week and harvest after the 5-7 days of dry sunny weather forecast for...
  3. osteoman

    Is this ready ? Opinions welcome

    Thanks for all your opinions - I took a look under the scope at 100x magnification, it looks like most trics are still clear, with a few getting cloudy or milky. Since I'm seeking more head high that couchlock, I'll let them grow for another 7-10 days or so, checking the trics every few days...
  4. osteoman

    Is this ready ? Opinions welcome

    Outdoor "bonzai" bagseed in northern climate, mostly sativa but unknown genetics. Seeking informed opinions on how much longer to wait. Frost is likely within 1-2 weeks. TIA.
  5. osteoman

    Best strain under CFL system ? (No more bagseed experiments !)

    Thanks crazyhazey, your suggestion for autoflowers is a good one (what strains of auto are there?) but I have to stick with CFL's for lighting. HPS or MH is just way too hot in that space. I can't get Fox Farms here, or even seasoil, so I'll have to find something close to it. Last grows used a...
  6. osteoman

    Best strain under CFL system ? (No more bagseed experiments !)

    Hi All, Contemplating my 4th CFL grow but previous grows have always used bagseed with somewhat disappointing results. Grow #1 was a single female from a seed obtained from a bud purchased in Turkey, produced a small indica. Grow #2 was a seed from a local outdoor bud, produced a large, tall...
  7. osteoman

    Probability of Twins in MJ seeds

    I actually got a twin from bagseed. Most of the seeds I had (18 in all) did not germinate; but I finally got a few to germ and what surprised me was that one pot that had 3 planted seeds actually sprouted 4 sprouts. The twins' stalks were really close together (less than 1mm) when they came up...
  8. osteoman

    Incresing Marijuana Yield

    I guess I'm having the same issues posting pics that others have had....sorry.
  9. osteoman

    Seeds not germinating

    Well, as it turned out only one of the 10 big seeds split the shell, but it never grew or survived. Two of the ten small seeds split the shell, grew a root, and survived a transplant but I do not want to grow those anyway - they were just to test the medium. Many of the hundreds of small seeds...
  10. osteoman

    Seeds not germinating

    ....and a final update, after 10 days, no large seeds popped and only 2 of 10 small seeds popped. Based on past results, something's not right. Last 7 seeds went directly into potting soil Sunday night. None are up after 48 hours, but I'll wait 10 days before giving up on those too. They are in...
  11. osteoman

    Seeds not germinating

    Many thanks to all who posted - A quick update: I moved the jar to a location where the temp was closer to 80 F two nights ago. After 24 hours (last night), I checked and - nothing. So I put into the same jar 10 more seeds of the hundreds I had collected from the last SCROG I did (where I made...
  12. osteoman

    Seeds not germinating

    Thanks. I'll try a place a little warmer for 2-3 more days before i give up. I still have 7 more seeds if these don't pop, but I might have similar problems with those. I don't think I drowned them since they sit between the towel and the inside of the jar, but above the water level. The towel...
  13. osteoman

    Seeds not germinating

    I'm new to RIU, newbie grower starting 4th grow with bagseed. Not sure of strain, but I know its pure sativa and very good.;-) Problem is all 10 seeds won't germ. its been 5 days and nothing has happened; other grows showed sprouts in 48-72 hours. I'm using glass jar paper towel method, which...