Recent content by PeterPan420

  1. PeterPan420

    Soil question

    This makes me think. Remember saw an episode of the biggest organic production in the USA. The guy name James said that he reuses all the soil they've got. Chop here plant new one next to the old position the next day. No worry about the root ball. I think that is a low maintenance soil. I want...
  2. PeterPan420

    Too much Co2?

    Yes, I've got a tank for the Co2 supplementing the room. I would not dare to use fire to do so. The new update is I think there was a leak in between the tank and the pressure gauge... I will go check it later after work. This is so dumb if it really caused by missed installation... The...
  3. PeterPan420

    Too much Co2?

    First of all, I'm grateful for your reply. I also need to apologize for all the information was not provided. You may be noticed that English is not my mother tongue. Right, It is a semi-seal room. I don't have an exhaust fan to get the air exchange. I don't want the smell to go out either. The...
  4. PeterPan420

    Too much Co2?

    Hi there, I'm just wondering if it is bad to have too much Co2 in your grow room? I've just Start growing... Still getting everything I need. Recently just got my Co2 sensors and tanks. I'm so happy to install the Co2 system. I've got some crazy reading. It is like 4k PPM! I've contacted the...
  5. PeterPan420

    Top feeding

    I think I’ve read some where about not to top your auto?
  6. PeterPan420

    How to use CO2?

    Hi Kingromano, Thank you for the information. I'm at subtropical. A mini-split will not be good. I've got a big-split... Thank you
  7. PeterPan420

    How to use CO2?

    Hi everyone, I have a question about CO2. My room is almost sealed. I running an AC in the room to control the temperature. My question is when I turn the lights on as well as the CO2. Should I keep the AC on? Will AC mess up the CO2 levels? I know that I should get a CO2 meter for it. I...
  8. PeterPan420

    How do you clean COB panel

    Hi ligrow, I'm wondering have you try any of the means? I've just got some second-handed CXB3590. They definitely need some love and care. I love to know if that isopropyl alcohol (IPA) working out for you? Thank you.