Recent content by phunt

  1. phunt

    Dark blue and purple leaves

    I would try to check your soil ph, is your soil dry? I had a chem 91 just do this because it was barely getting enough feed. enough to keep it from wilting but not enough to keep it from starving.
  2. phunt

    Do I Need Overdrive?

    You shouldn't need to add another booster. Those also have a lot longer than two weeks left, breeder claims can be off by a lot sometimes.
  3. phunt

    Stem showing roots?

    With higher moisture levels you will see this. Cannabis will readily put out roots up to the cotyledons, but will rot above that. So it is usually no issue to bury a seedling up to the cotyledons on the first up pot. It can help with stability on floppy seedlings as well.
  4. phunt

    Apollo 13

    ive always got some form of apollo 13 in the stable. Im running a duke diamond bx I also ran through the brothers grimm re release of it. That one is pretty good very similar to subcools bx. I'd love to find a cut of the original, there are still a few around. Crazy only 500 seeds released and...
  5. phunt

    TGA By Others

    Brothers Grimm made the strain again. Most seed banks that carry his stock should have some. I believe he discontinued it but its still available at some distributors i've looked at.
  6. phunt

    TGA By Others

    Yup, subcool just back crossed it.
  7. phunt

    Great Lakes Genetics ?

    I was also super sketched out about sending cash. After reading hundreds of reviews for GLG with nothing negative coming up I decided to place a small order. I got emailed as soon as they got my payment and another right when it was shipped with tracking info. I received my order exactly as...
  8. phunt

    Seedling problem?

    That paper towel needs to be inside of a baggy or something to hold the moisture. Seedlings do not want to be dried out it can kill them. Put the moist paper towel with the seedling in it in a plastic bag and check it tomorrow.
  9. phunt

    Flushing question, no debates please.

    Haha, If you taste chlorophyll you don't know how to dry and cure properly.
  10. phunt

    Flushing question, no debates please.

    Flushing = I don't understand how a plant works.
  11. phunt

    Having Issues

    Are those freshly transplanted? Only some tap water. I would suggest eventually getting at least a carbon filter for your water, IME tap water can lead to problems depending on your local water of course.
  12. phunt

    Having Issues

    Are you adding any calcium? I doubt it would be zinc, that would show up In the middle of the plant. Calcium or iron are more likely to show up on the new growth.
  13. phunt

    Need help finishing this grow

    When almost all of those hairs turn orange start looking at trichomes . Last week it was at least 3 weeks if not more, keep feeding and let them fatten up.
  14. phunt

    Need help finishing this grow

    You still have weeks to go. I wouldn't flush yet.
  15. phunt

    Humidity problems

    Also the more vegetation you have in the tent the higher the humidity will go.