Recent content by PinayWhitey

  1. P

    What Do You Like To Do When You're High?

    hell yeahhhhhhhhhhh good one with the getting HIGHER that has to be... by far the BEST!!!
  2. P

    who listens to SLACKER.COM is the best thing that ever happened to online radio since ever hahhahah its free to listen there's endless stations you can type any artist and they will give you the station! :-) check it out
  3. P

    who listens to SLACKER.COM

    i know rite?! boo hoo :-(
  4. P

    What Do You Like To Do When You're High?

    WATCHING MY NAME IS EARL that show rocks karma mannnnn
  5. P

    20/20 show about 23 yr old girl and Marijuana

    she was obviously scared out of her mind to decide to do the sting. And yes... she is a 23 yr old girl that should have been protected by the TALLAHASSEE POLICE...and you are right...they will not answer for her death! which is complete BS. they kept calling her a criminal when she HAS NOTHING...
  6. P

    What Do You Like To Do When You're High?

    giggling is fun!
  7. P

    I Love Women That Smoke!

    hi flandersflash! i'm taken sowry LOL but we can be homies on here yea? LOL and yes thanks for saying my tatas are big hehehhehe i wanted them like that!! where did you see my pic by the way?
  8. P

    What Do You Like To Do When You're High?

    i so feel you on this i do everything high i have to be at work at 7am mon-fri i smoke a bowl on my bong at 630 good convos are fantastic guitar hero is fun and getting other people high is the bestest! love to watch movies and my name is earl marathon and fucking is definitely great while high
  9. P

    20/20 show about 23 yr old girl and Marijuana

    did anybody see the show on 20/20 last nite? its about this 23 year old girl in tallahassee she got caught of possession of marijuana a couple of times and the tallahassee police used her on a sting that went wrong she was supposed to meet with thsee 2 guys she's never met before at a park and...
  10. P

    I Love Women That Smoke!

    ahhh that sucks dude there are sooo many girls out there that smoke so i'm sure you'll find one! and if you cant find one i have friends LOL
  11. P

    who listens to SLACKER.COM

    ok so no one wants to talk about slacker... :-(
  12. P

    What Do You Like To Do When You're High?

    i love listening to some good music reggae radio ky-mani marley radio damian marley radio michael franti radio man...they're all good
  13. P


    it is a show just enjoy it and yes criticize it as long as you watch it no matter what ya'll say... you're still gonna keep watching it coz bottom line... its a great show!!! its funny they get to talk about weed the characters are great so....... ???
  14. P


    that's what my bf said too the van will most def not work yea the way they smoke is definitely not real and the baby ass bong??? ahhahaha but i still luv the show just watch last nite's episode and may i add that.... i cannot wait to watch nancy drag celia by getting her head stuck on her car...