Recent content by poundpusher2009

  1. poundpusher2009

    3000w trees!

    Very nice double. Trees are looking good. Hope all is well with the family...
  2. poundpusher2009

    Day 60 of flowering

    Very nice grow looks great.
  3. poundpusher2009

    Easy Nutrient Formula ?

    Where can I find Al b/s 2 part veg and bloom instructions.
  4. poundpusher2009

    how to get 1lb.+ per plant

    You can easily achieve 5 to 7 oz per plant if your lumens are calculated to be very strong. There are a couple growers on here that are yielding results like this with 3000 watts of light. One is doing a ebb and grow system and the other is doing soil. I thought 2 oz was a limit but if you have...
  5. poundpusher2009

    So I was watching the show "DEA"

    I dont believe he got caught because of a cooling device it was very evident that he was told on by an informant. The police even knew he was selling it for $6000/lb if you listen to the whole episode. Its on spike if you wanna catch it. The basic thing is back to old rules if you tell...
  6. poundpusher2009

    Easy Nutrient Formula ?

    Anybody with information would be helpful
  7. poundpusher2009

    Easy Nutrient Formula ?

    I was curious as to if anyone knows the easiest nutrient formula for a hydro beginner. I have researched the Lucas Formula but would prefer a package that you open and pour into the res and bam its done. I know advanced use to make something like this do they anymore?
  8. poundpusher2009

    LUCAS FORMULA - Hydroponic Grow Journal

    Great grow GTS... Very inspiring I was thinking of doing hempy buckets but this would really be alot easier and not take time for self watering. I think Im convinced. I do have some questions for you. I read you grow journal twice now and believe these questions have not been answered or have...
  9. poundpusher2009

    Guess my yeild win $10 via paypal!

    I took the liberty to make this thread half way interesting and put a link up of a grow that I thought was pretty interesting. It is of a very similiar set up. Check it out.
  10. poundpusher2009

    Guess my yeild win $10 via paypal!

    I seen a member on here with almost the same grow 3 1000's CO2 he had 15 gallon pots though and he average 6 to 8 oz so it is possible this user does have pictures and its on here. If anyones intersted in the link let me know and I will post it.
  11. poundpusher2009

    Electriciy Cost? Just Wanted To Make Sure Im Doing This Right

    So when Im running a 1000 watt light and 1000 watt ballast the electric for flowering would on be $1.08 a day correct? Or is there a seperate charge for the ballast as well?
  12. poundpusher2009

    Electriciy Cost? Just Wanted To Make Sure Im Doing This Right

    I dont plan on running anything else like the stove, refrigerator, tv, toaster, microwave, or washer and dryer. None of that will be running just my op and minimal lighting throughout the house on cfls.
  13. poundpusher2009

    Electriciy Cost? Just Wanted To Make Sure Im Doing This Right

    Okay thanks for helping me out. I thought the ballast and the bulb were separate charges. Thanks I was like wow that will add up really quick if running 1 1000 watt bulb is actually like running 2 considering the ballast. Thanks for all the help...
  14. poundpusher2009

    Ballast vs Lights Electric

    Does a 1000 watt ballast use the same constant pull of electricity that a 1000 watt light does?
  15. poundpusher2009

    Electriciy Cost? Just Wanted To Make Sure Im Doing This Right

    Am I doing my math right. My KWH is at 9 cents. is $291. some odd change. Does that sound correct. That seems a little high. Considering that not even any fans or humidifiers..ect Veg room 18/6 240 volt 1000 watt light 1000 watt Ballast Flowering Room 12/12 240 volt 3 x 1000 Watt...