Recent content by prplhze

  1. P

    just so ya know

    I just wanted to say thanks to! ! ! ! i've learned a lot here and grew some sirious W.W., and power skunk....and am currently enjoying the efforts... there are some excellent growers here
  2. P

    Bump If You're Baked!

    First bowl off the Nirvana's WW harvest.... worthy of a bump!!!
  3. P

    Washing yo Bud?

    HA HA HA HA !!!! why is your bud dirty? Trichomes are not water soluble, but they will break off... you shouldn't spray anything on your buds while they're growing b/c that could cause mold, so there shouldn't be any reason to wash them..... i've never ever heard of anybody washing their...
  4. P

    Should i chop her down? White Widow

    yep, or you can go 10hrs if you want, I just did 8 to ensure that I didn't have excessive new growth... and yours won't get as dark as fdd's, but as your trichs have more amber in them you will see that tinge that he's talkin about... judging from your trich pics, looking @ your plant, and...
  5. P

    Should i chop her down? White Widow

    one more thing . . . White Widow = 60% Sativa / 40% Indica . . . .
  6. P

    Should i chop her down? White Widow

    aknight3 is right....aagiant1, sorry dude, no pics I really just come here to look @ bud pics and compare my grows to everybody elses b/c it makes me feel better ha ha ha.. go look at that sticky from fdd on harvesting, it says a tutorial or whatever... the first pictures really give you an...
  7. P

    Should i chop her down? White Widow

    a lot of your trichs aren't even cloudy... my opinion is another week to two weeks..
  8. P

    Should i chop her down? White Widow

    p.s. when flushing, I also used 2 tblsp of mollases w/the last gallon in and it seems to have helped w/trichs.. ( I didn't use mollases on one of them to see if there was any difference and I can visually see the others are a little bigger and seem to have a few more trichs
  9. P

    Should i chop her down? White Widow

    negative aagiants1, you're supposed to use plain water to flush out the nutrients that are still left in the plant and deprive it a little so it starts to ripen.. FYI I have 6 Nirvana's WW that I ordered from attitude... this weekend makes 10 1/2 weeks, I started flushing last week and...
  10. P

    I want to pick this one cola it OK?

    hey Majitoker... I wouldn't! I have ten in my growroom, from the looks of yours i'd say give it another week @ least! I decided to do exactly what you're thinkin about last weekend. I have another of the same strain and now I reeeeeeaaaalllly regret choppin it.. the one I left is now way...
  11. P

    all i ever get is males!!

    my .02..... i've been told by, and read that if your initial pot that you put your germinated seed in is 6" deep or more you are more likely to get females... 80% of plants planted by farmers are female.... i've always done this and always get 50% female @ least, ..
  12. P

    Suficient lighting for 5 plants?

    I run a 400w HPS throughout my entire grow and never notice a difference in the light bill... even w/my exhaust fans and everything
  13. P

    600w bulb in 400w ballast?

    I forgot a few fans! one mid size one in the back corner that oscilates and a small fan directly across from my vent which sits on one side of my I have a small dollar store fan hanging from my hood (had it made @ a sheet metal shop for $60 bucks btw and it is HUGE ! ! ! as in 2'x2'...
  14. P

    600w bulb in 400w ballast?

    cigol, go to radio shack, they have an inline exhaust fan there that moves 85cfm for under $20... then just find a plug that matches, strip your wires and connect (can't do it wrong, as it only works one way) and hook that to drier hose, just outside of your grow closet,.. (I rent a trlr and...
  15. P

    600w bulb in 400w ballast?

    ha ha ha ... alright, guess that's the confirmation I needed... will stick w/cfls for add. light ..... thanks...