Recent content by puffpuffpass187

  1. P

    600w hps 50w t5 wonder woman dwc a month in

    end of week 3 of flower
  2. P

    600w hps 50w t5 wonder woman dwc a month in

    end of veg they were 10" now almost 3 weeks flower 26" tall can already see bout 30 popcorn sized buds forming pics tomorrow am
  3. P

    600w hps 50w t5 wonder woman dwc a month in

    alright I got ww nirvana fem seeds vegged for 4 weeks under a 50w 2ft t5 just started the 12/12 4 days ago with the 600w hps they are around 10" tall now first time grow all equipment was gotten off ebay at a bargain not everyone is rich lol..when should I expect to see buds? Leave any comments...