Recent content by ReeFeRmAn

  1. R

    LED Canopy Grow Lights

    i was just using this as an visual example for how i think it could be good. light strength and watage is all up for discution but i like the fact that it can be with in centimeters of the plant while still getting its HPS lighting . Wether you make it you self or buy it it still a good idea
  2. R

    LED Canopy Grow Lights

    The Whole Idea is to youit to get to the center or lower part of you crop like if you growing 4-5 footers then you can put these in right around 2 feet so that to maximize your yield with a hps. You know all the popcorn nugs on the lower branches. Maybe it can help acheving a 4foot cola indoors...
  3. R

    LED Canopy Grow Lights

    Ok guys i think this mite be of interest to us i was looking around at how leds could realy benifit us without spending so much and without have to get rid of our precious hps/mh that we love so much. i am not leaving out the cfl grows either cause you my benifit alot check this site out i came...
  4. R

    Denser Nugs....

    use the gravity works well
  5. R

    HydroHut Ebb n Flow tons of pics

    i was thinking about getting a HydroHut and a aero-flow system. how is the HydroHut does it keep the light from leaking out.