Recent content by RideBMX

  1. R

    Drug Screening

    I got a drug screening today for my job, hope I pass... Been a few weeks since I smoked.
  2. R

    When does meth get outta your system?

    I'm glad my dad got off of that shit you don't want to end up looking like this. That shit fucks you up, just stick to weed. Meh, or get some shrooms. Those will get you trippin just don't get all crazy and stab someone thinking you are dreaming or something.
  3. R

    Newbie Questions

    I sound like an idiot to a lot of you who have been smoking weed for a long time probably but I don't know much about weed, I smoke it with my friends when they bring it and love it, I don't want to grow it I just want to buy it. I have some connections so I can buy it and I'll probably be...