Recent content by ripcity503

  1. R

    Just got my card how do i aquire seeds or clones?

    Thanks ill check that out tomorrow morning.
  2. R

    Just got my card how do i aquire seeds or clones?

    Im going to be very quite about me growing, and I don't want to go around asking all my friends if they know where to get something. I'm technically not even a card holder yet I just got approved from a doc yesterday and I'm getting the stamp tomorrow morning, its not that I'm not looking hard...
  3. R

    Just got my card how do i aquire seeds or clones?

    Yah I was thinking about doing that but if I could find something local it would be much happier.
  4. R

    Just got my card how do i aquire seeds or clones?

    Just got my card this week and I got my grow op set up. Now I need to find some clones preferably or seeds. Is there a place that sells them or do I have to find them on the black market any info would help. oh yah almost forgot I live in Portland thanks.
  5. R

    2 medical visits in one year now what?

    I see MAMA's in the nickle ad's all the time. have you heard of the program that reduces the 180$ fee to a 20$ fee if you have food stamp. Ive heard rumors about that but never personally know any one. Thanks for the info much appreciated.
  6. R


    I have the shiska strand but no seed and I live in Portland.
  7. R

    2 medical visits in one year now what?

    Hello I've been trying to acquire my medical marijuana for my head aches. I went to my doctor twice, and was given a few kinds of medicine to witch hasn't help the pain. My question to you is where is a good place to get approved by a doctor in the Portland area for medical marijuana I've had 2...
  8. R

    How Do You Cure?

    I hang dry for 4-7days or when the stem snaps when I bend it. Once the stem is dry I put the bud in mason jars opening the jar 3-6 times a day for about 10mins to let the moisture escape the jar. Do that for about a week or two depending on the size of your nugs and quality. Then I just leave...
  9. R

    Good none stinking bud...

    Thank you everyone will take all these into consideration. Any one have any personal experience buying seeds online I'm terrified, for I don't have my ganja card should I give my buddy the money to buy he has his card?
  10. R

    Good none stinking bud...

    Anyone know some not to stinky strands? I live in a apartment complex with 20 other units, so smell is a big concern to me. I currently have this strand shiskaberry not that smelly, but I'm just getting tired of it need something new any ideas? Thanks.
  11. R

    Brown yellow leafs(pics)

    Just went out and bought a Ph tester and i'm at 6.5 roughly I did 3 test. I don't know what marijuana likes its Ph at, but the info that was on the box said most plants like 6.5. My temp is at 73-83 depends on the time of day i dont have a humidity gauge thoe, but that might be my problem I...
  12. R

    Brown yellow leafs(pics)

    Hate to spam, but bumping for the last time any suggestions would help thanks.
  13. R

    Brown yellow leafs(pics)

    Bumping, pls help.
  14. R

    T8 Fluoro for my veg box???

    My buddy uses 4 4foot florescent tubes and they work fine, but I have the t5 44 sunblaze and if you got a extra 125$ i recommend it They make a red spectrum bulb for them for 10$ a bulb.
  15. R

    Brown yellow leafs(pics)

    Hello guys new to I was recommended by a friend to go here to for information on my garden. Anyways let me give you an idea of whats I have going on. I am using the t5 sunblaze 44 florescent lighting for my veg(4 4ft 100w tubes), and for soil I use fox farm ocean forest potting...