Recent content by RisingStock

  1. RisingStock

    Little Clones - Light Green/Yellow - Nute Burn?

    Hey bro, I have almost the same exact problem except the clones are in coco-coir. (Wilting and turning lighter green after what I thought was a pretty light nute watering.) If you don't mind me asking, what steps did you take? (Dome, No-Nutes?) How'd they turn out?
  2. RisingStock

    RAPID death of leaves...with pics...PLEASE HELP!

    Sorry for the late reply---- Not doing so well. It's a 'Super Auto' but while the others have bloomed and look great, these two have still not bloomed...both of them are rather 'sickly' and one just looks like shite. Pics tomorrow. Thanks for askin!
  3. RisingStock

    RAPID death of leaves...with pics...PLEASE HELP!

    Best answer award! Thanks to you too, Dr. Fever. Thats quality info, much appreciated. I'll try the 'rain shower' method. As far as nutes, just following the Lucas Formula. Read as much as I could about it, pretty interesting stuff. Check out this entertaining video: Lucas 411
  4. RisingStock

    RAPID death of leaves...with pics...PLEASE HELP!

    Sorry. I can be a bit of a dick sometimes....thanks for the effort. Pretty sure it's not acid rain though.
  5. RisingStock

    RAPID death of leaves...with pics...PLEASE HELP!

    Other 7 are FINE. Wouldn't acid rain affect them ALL? C'mon.
  6. RisingStock

    RAPID death of leaves...with pics...PLEASE HELP!

    Where would THAT guide with pictures be? Link please. Thanx.
  7. RisingStock

    RAPID death of leaves...with pics...PLEASE HELP!, rain is BAD? (?_?))
  8. RisingStock

    RAPID death of leaves...with pics...PLEASE HELP!

    Soil PH is kinda high....around 6.8-7. As I said, they were in the rain for about 2 days---light drizzle. So, not sure of the rain's pH...but's rain right? Shouldn't be a problem there. I HAVE been giving them a fert once a week using the Lucas Formula with FloraNova (8 mL of...
  9. RisingStock

    RAPID death of leaves...with pics...PLEASE HELP!

    After a couple days of light drizzling rain my plants on the balcony took off. All 8 are Stitches 'Super Autos' All, that is, except one. Unlike all the other plants with bful happy green leaves, this plant had rust looking spots. Starting with the bottom leaves and moving up. Between...
  10. RisingStock

    How to Use Diatomaceous Earth?

    I know this is an old thread, but......your results? How do you use it, apply it to leaves? (Thinkin about using it and was wondering about your personal experience.) Thanks
  11. RisingStock

    Idiots Guide To Coco Coir

  12. RisingStock

    Exhale Co2 Bags?

    Maybe you already did this, but mine arrived as rock hard bricks as well, all white on the outside....that being the 'spent' product. You gotta break all that up, mix it up, and they'll start producin. But maybe you already did that. Just my 2 cents.
  13. RisingStock

    Idiots Guide To Coco Coir

    Did anyone answer your question? 'cause I got the same one. Researched the web and got 50/50 "Works better everytime you re-use it" and "Re-using it is the recipe for disaster!" As usual. Your findings/subsequent experience? Heard treating with hyrgrozyme helps kill any nasties, but wouldn't it...
  14. RisingStock

    When Should I Put My Seedlings into the Hydro Wick System?

    Something I'm interested in as well. (Wick system for seed starting in small pots--feasibility, problems, etc.) As usual, no reply here at Rollitup. o_O
  15. RisingStock

    week 4 with autoflowers, leaves always start burning up!

    Let me see if I understand you correctly. The Nutrients a plant doesn't need just turn into excess salt? Never heard that before. But, ok......solution is a good flush when it goes into bloom?