Recent content by rolhalo

  1. R

    Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this?

    I am also using miracle grow potting soil if that helps.
  2. R

    Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this?

    Guess i messed that up lol
  3. R

    Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this?

    Ok heres the deal. This is my first grow and so far everything has gone great. My plants are a little over four weeks into flowering and i am having some problems with one (white widow X chemdog) All the leaves are turning yellow and dieing started from the bottom and i thought maybe thats what...
  4. R

    Anyone grown DJ Short F-13?

    Anybody at all?
  5. R

    Very burned leaves. Whats wrong!!!

    The temp is about 79-80. i dont know if thats too hot but like i said before it is the only one of my plants doing that. mine didnt start out as black spots but little white or yellow spots. i dont know. its not affecting the bud any so i guess it will be ok. for now.
  6. R

    Grandma's Unsulphured Molasses

    What exactly is the purpose of using molasses?
  7. R

    Very burned leaves. Whats wrong!!!

    Yea its from the bottom. more and more are starting to do that though. normal?
  8. R

    Very burned leaves. Whats wrong!!!

    Im only having that problem with one plant. Its starting to get more and more so im getting kinda worried.
  9. R

    Very burned leaves. Whats wrong!!!

    Started from the bottom and is slowly moving up. 4 weeks into flowering and i dont know what it is. help...
  10. R

    Is miracle-gro potting soin any good?

    I am growing with maracle grow potting soil and was wondering about the -/+ of it. Any info?
  11. R

    How many seeds could be in 1 oz?

    weigh 482 seeds and i bet you its 27 g's
  12. R

    Has anyone grown DJ Shorts F-13????????

    I recently bought some feminized f-13 seeds. Pretty expensive. Has anyone had a succesful grow with this strain?
  13. R

    How many seeds could be in 1 oz?

    I would say the most you would see in one ounce is about 482.
  14. R

    Has any one grown DJ Shorts F-13????????

    I bought some feminized F-13 Seeds. Has anyone had any good grows with this strain?