Recent content by S3love

  1. S3love

    The Drunk Thread!

    i pretty much my dad bought the wine on saturday and now its monday night, dont even know where my sunday went whats even funnier in a fucked up way of course is my dad got pissed drunk and started yelling at me that i had unibrow (which if course i didnt) so to shut him up u shaved ny...
  2. S3love

    Funny Sex Stories

    Hahahahaha I be like the girl in archer always carrying the jager machine around hahahahahaha
  3. S3love

    Funny Sex Stories

    Jeeze guys something isnt right here hahaha my hubby can always get hard no matter wat drug we take, ive had sex with him on acid, e, coke, crack, heroin....basically wat r u guys doing wrong hahahahaha
  4. S3love

    Funny Sex Stories

    :p I have had sex on e and acid, wat an experience
  5. S3love

    The Drunk Thread!

    Im fucking drunk like no tomorrow, c I actually dont live with my hubby at the moment, so my dad buys 16 litres of wine, I drank about 4 litres today haf a little nap in between, haha haha haha this message is taking me so long to type cuz I keep having to delete cuz u wouldn't understand hahahaha
  6. S3love

    Funny Sex Stories

    im very curious to hear more of this story, im just baffled so explain :P
  7. S3love

    Funny Sex Stories

    thats funny but in a really creepy way omg
  8. S3love

    Dick sucking thread

    so stonedfarmer where are these stories u are gonna blast over this site, i got some funny ones...started a thread about funny sex stories :P we all have them and have all been in awkward situations
  9. S3love

    Funny Sex Stories

    alright i know we have all had some funny sex lets here them one time me and hubby were sitting in drs office...and this one dr always is like 2 hours behind schedule, so as we are sitting there we decided to sneak off for a quicky in the bathroom, well lets just say that never...
  10. S3love

    What's For Dinner Tonight?

    i had some baby back ribs that i marinated in a dry rub, cooked them with beer and then made a beer bbq sauce to go ontop, dont worry not all the beer went into dinner, i got my fair share to drink too :P i also made a homemade coleslaw to go with it
  11. S3love

    Halloweenie 2014 - Who wants to play ZOMBIE PARTY??

    have u ever come to toronto for the zombie run, i think u would love it
  12. S3love

    Dick sucking thread

    I would say wall cuz I dont have head board hahahaha
  13. S3love

    Dick sucking thread

    Plus being blond what a good combination hahaha
  14. S3love

    Dick sucking thread

    I wouldn't put it past it hahahahaha
  15. S3love

    Dick sucking thread

    Who ??