Recent content by Saxodile

  1. Saxodile

    Growing with Apple juice?

    What kind of results did you get?
  2. Saxodile

    Growing with Apple juice?

    Fuck that. I believe the sugar in the apple juice will kill them. I don't think your friend grows, if he does hes pulling your leg. Edit: A slight bit of research led me to see that sugar is some times used and won't kill them. Pure apple juice is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. In most of...
  3. Saxodile

    3.5g Full Melt Hash

    Verde does have legendary sacks, I bet he lives in nor cal
  4. Saxodile

    Very large drying and curing ideas. HELP

    I think that if he is only making 60k he probably means 80 lbs or hes trolling I'm looking at 25 lbs and expecting that much o_o
  5. Saxodile

    DEA Considering Reclassifying Plant-Derived THC Under Federal Law

    I honestly don't give a fuck. This is bad news if any at all. I've lost too many friends to these DEA fucks, I was hoping that every POW would get a shortened sentence but this isn't good news at all.
  6. Saxodile

    Going to write the Ultamate Gurrlia Guide(maby a book)need a little help

    I too would appreciate some information on this. One thing I'd like to say is that you can save a boatload by going on attitude seedbank and paying 15ish for 1 fem seed and veg it for like 5 weeks and make like 50 clones. Then find a location where nobody ever goes. One thing to pay attention...
  7. Saxodile

    HPS vs. Fluorescent advice needed.

    I agree with weeds. An hps works for everyone else on this forum and if you wanted to hold your light close enough to the plants that they would be too hot then you wouldn't get the same surface area that you would normally. If you think your having a problem with heat then use a fan and back up...
  8. Saxodile

    76x76x76 room

    Just think about if there is airflow then it's fine. A table fan would work with those dimensions [edit] unless you mean a carbon fan?
  9. Saxodile

    How Many Libertarians Out There?

    Glen Beck is a peice of shit, I don't mean to sound stupid saying that but its true. He's seriously a nut case and he is under the impression that smoking pot 'tears up' your lungs and that it's more dangerous than cigarettes (as most think.) He rants on about how Barack Obama is somehow a nazi...
  10. Saxodile

    DAMN my girlfriend nearly died today.....SHIITTTTTT

    Knowing how much shock he is probly still going through I wouldn't say "lol". Care to say how it happened, or are you to busy spending time with her right now?
  11. Saxodile

    When laws are immoral is it okay to break them ?

    That pretty much sums it up I would say that the bible is in fact more than flawed but more so corrupt. It's a handbook for religious leaders for control. They constantly talk about sacrificing things live (Children, Wives, Brothers) to god just to show that you believe. That basically...
  12. Saxodile

    Happenings That Changed Your Life?

    Well I havn't tried heroin myself but I have had fentanyl which is a synthetic opiate. I've always thought of heroin addicts as scum because they are viewed as people who break into stores, rob friends, kill, and overdose just for the high that I'm satisfied with cannabis. I suppose that heroin...
  13. Saxodile

    Anyone else have to neglect their family because of their hobby this year?

    Though I've constantly told myself I hate my parents I spent christmas with them and stayed sober the whole time, just for them. If I were high they would tell me to leave.
  14. Saxodile

    Happenings That Changed Your Life?

    Then again you could do what these idiots are saying and kill yourself.. 5 years of Jail or being dead forever, which would you rather have. I went back and read your story and now that i read it a second time its pretty fucked up. "Helping the cops catch heroin dealers" that is snitching you...