Recent content by seanbaby7

  1. seanbaby7

    Counting Leaves to Determine Sex

    Um, did you read my original post? I don't have any facts about it; that's why I posted here! I've never heard of anything like this before either, hence the questions.
  2. seanbaby7

    Counting Leaves to Determine Sex

    ^^ thx, I already know how to normally sex a plant. I'm just asking about the other thing.
  3. seanbaby7

    Counting Leaves to Determine Sex

    sup everyone. I'm on my 4th week of veg with 3 bagseed babies and they're looking great (sorry, no pics). I was talking to my friend about sexing plants and he mentioned counting the number of leaves to tell what sex the plant was gonna be. Basically he said that if the third set of leaves has 5...
  4. seanbaby7

    A Little bit of High "WoW"

    lol, I don't play anymore but yeah, it's awesome to play blazed. This thread makes me want to start again tho... maybe because i'm fuckin rippedbongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  5. seanbaby7

    Don't Live In the Midwest

    naw dude, I'm in northern IL. winter is def getting to close! it sucks dick every year. Fall is cool tho, I like hoodie weather. Why can't we just have 3 seasons?
  6. seanbaby7

    muscle cars

    Well the reason that intake in your pic sits up so high is because it's on top of a supercharger. Are you just looking for the scoop part with the mesh in it? Look in JEG's or something.
  7. seanbaby7

    Don't Live In the Midwest

    Wow, this is bullshit. We almost hit frost temps last night. :wall: My guy has 60+ plants growing outside and if it frosts this early I am so fucked for weed all winter! Midwest weather is teh gay :evil:
  8. seanbaby7


  9. seanbaby7

    Who would win in a fight? Brock or Rambo?

    Brock, FTW!
  10. seanbaby7

    So i'm high and iM just thinking.

    Dude man, you are so, like, spiritual man.
  11. seanbaby7

    Liquid Resin & the Cannabis Cigar

    Yeah, this is what I'm thinking of too. lol, just cause you're a stoner does'nt mean you have to be lazy! :mrgreen: I smoke my bong everyday man, it gets old! Besides, can you imagine busting a couple of these bad boys out at a party?
  12. seanbaby7

    Liquid Resin & the Cannabis Cigar

    I think you're supposed to roll the cigar with "fresh" leaves. Maybe not right off the branch but before they get too brittle, you know? Either way when I get around to doing this I'll be sure to post a writeup about it.
  13. seanbaby7

    Liquid Resin & the Cannabis Cigar

    I thought about that, but then it'd be more like just a joint make out of leaves. I like this way because it's more like making a genuine cigar except with pot and pot leaves instead of tobacco and tobacco leaves.
  14. seanbaby7

    Liquid Resin & the Cannabis Cigar

    dude I know. I wonder if it will give everyone the munchies?
  15. seanbaby7

    Liquid Resin & the Cannabis Cigar

    lol, just after I posted this I saw the thread about making oil from cuttings and iso. I'm pretty sure that's what I need. Here's a cookie anyway: