Recent content by seanpaul sideproject

  1. S

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    this and other brown yellowish spots are occurring on my plants. almost like a rust color and in some places causing small holes in the leaf. could this be the onset to root mites and if so would creating a low temp. tonight kill of insects.
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    EARLY LEAF YELLOW RUST WITH HOLES \(*o*)/ -plz help-

    this is what I'm trying to avoid and identify b4 its too late. first grow and my plants have been strong up until now any help?
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    EARLY LEAF YELLOW RUST WITH HOLES \(*o*)/ -plz help-

    i hope your right man, just trying to get ahead of a big problem because this all become apparent in one day and it has spread to other plants and to more leaves. also new growth on the worst one is coming up all chewed in like half the leaf yellowed off.
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    EARLY LEAF YELLOW RUST WITH HOLES \(*o*)/ -plz help-

    my plants are about 1 month and 1 week from seed. these plants in my room are all showing the early sprerad of whatever this is (pic to follow). I'm using fox far OF mixed with Light warrior. have feed nutes twice so far the last two weeks using 1 teaspoon per gallon a 2 cups of the mix once a...
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    Nutrient help

    in many kinds of soil there are ph adjustments already working for you to help your plant feed. in other words unless your waters PH is totally out of whack or if ur PH is drifting don't mess with it unless your plant shows you otherwise. and col if you want high quality and are not concerned...
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    Led Users Unite! went with these lights and have been doing great things for me so far.
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    first time grow updates and questions (mine and yours)

    is this encouraged by not topping your plants? the only one thats doing this hasn't been topped.
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    first time grow updates and questions (mine and yours)

    this is my first ever grow, things are really coming alive but i still have some questions and things to share. feel free to add your own questions or share some of your success. I'm gonna start off with something i noticed today... a new node with 3 leaves forming instead of the regular pair of...
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    is this MOLD?

    random question here but i couldn't find a good place to post this and its my first grow. normally at each new node you get a set of fan leaves and in-between growth? is it common to have a set of 3 leaves forming. not that I'm complaining my plants are mosters but has anyone seen this??
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    Pre-flower?? What's it lookin' like??

    good news man. i got some jesus og going right now at 1 day and 1 month today. its looking male all over the place, what i though were little pistols now look like the top to a crab claw. was a beast already at one month fucking shame. so I'm just gonna threaten its life the next couple days and...
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    Leaf Issues

    i suppose if u war planning on doing the spray anyways then do it make sure u dilute properly. i don't know what that marking on your leaves are so i don't suggest anything but research. honestly just tape up those cups tape some newspaper around them so the lights don't hit the roots. and in...
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    Leaf Issues

    i need some help from an expieranced grower on my FREEDOM BABY plant. the leafs are cupping or just developing weird. is its something that can be identified? its under led, the color on the new leaves is not the issue thats just from the picture.sry 4 same pic
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    Leaf Issues

    first of all you need to put those clear cups in some non clear cups; roots are not supposed to be exposed to that much light. also your fan seemed to be hitting the small plant to hard you just need a nice shake going on with the leaves in the wind. you have some mold or deficiency going on...
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    Pre-flower?? What's it lookin' like??

    most likely those little hairs are there pistols i think. thats prob a good sign, keep an eye on what you have a pic of. I'm waiting on pre flower sign my pants are working on fourth or 5 node i believe. ill be honest to a more trained eye at this point you might b able to b certain. but if that...