Recent content by sicka

  1. S

    4000w 16 plant grow

    great bud shots man :clap: bongsmiliebongsmilie
  2. S

    Chemist77 315 watt CDL grow

    great thread mate inspired to try these 315s! thanks for sharing bongsmilie
  3. S

    Anyone grown 818 Headband by Cali Connection?

    found it easy enough to grow. not a big feeder compared to others could let it go 10 weeks + medium yield, strong cola action very fragrant! strong indica, would knock me out initially. can remember my first cone of it and the high washing over me :cool: shneakily hermied on me first time but...
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    sup guys, am wanting to give honey oil a whirl however am having a bit of trouble identifying the quality of the butane we can get here. from what i have read you want 5 times filtered butane? have tried a few places - bunnings & a couple of tabaconists, and they seem to only have these...
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    UFC 111- St.Pierre vs Hardy

    gsp no doubt. guy is the ultimate professional. it will be a re-run of sanchez v penn - ultimate domination also very keen for mir v carwin. mir has been bulking up hard for a while now & his standup has been constantly improving his last few fights.. interested to see his development. would...
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    Request Sub-forum Stealth Grows

    would still like to see this introduced?
  7. S

    are you getting the h1n1 vaccine?

    there have been overwhealmingly more deaths this year from the traditional flu compared to swine flu. it isnt the panademic they promote it as, it is mild at best. all the hype is to generate fear in the public so when all the pharmaceutical companies come along with there vaccines everyone...
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    Sons of Anarchy

    haha yeh this show is killer!! makes turning to the bikie life highly appealing.
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    Request Sub-forum Stealth Grows

    +1 for the subforum from me lah
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    haha. aussie growers thread nice... from WA, how are we gents? we have many aussies on here?
  11. S

    cloning near harvest

    me? i am a new grower (couple under the belt) but would like to think i have some 'skill'. this was my first time cloning, i would have cloned in veg however it was not possible due to my situation. they developed roots on track just new growth took a while to appear. yeh the new growth is...
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    cloning near harvest

    i have just done this. i cloned @ week 6 of flower, it took ~ 5 weeks for it to show new veg growth... it is a long process i took 6 clones 4 of which karked it, one is just holding in there & the last is looking hella good. if you have nirogen deficiency not sure how well they will hold...
  13. S

    please help final week of flowers spider mite??? what should i do?

    ahhhhhhhhhhh gutted both are stuffed... thanks for your help... i have tried to salvage a few buds that appear ok, will these turn out to be moldy too or is it possible that they will turn out ok??? how do i prevent this occuring again?! more air movement in the grow room? higher temps? is...
  14. S

    please help final week of flowers spider mite??? what should i do?

    thanks for your help.. the shit is now appearing as if its everywhere so do i cut out the moldy parts & discard em or can i use them to make hash as well?? i had another plant in the grow room is there much likelyhood it will be affected also? i have gone over it and have been unable to...