Recent content by sixstring112

  1. S

    Growdrobe question, open door?

    thanks guys, just thought that with the door left open its gonna be a whole area that wont have a reflective surface on it. With the door closed I can obviously cover the inside of it with mylar and give the plants more light. Or will this not make much difference on a small set up?
  2. S

    Growdrobe question, open door?

    When in the vegging stage is it best to have the door left open on my wardrobe to help ventillation and a fan positioned on the floor outside? or is it best to have it all enclosed? Its gonna be a small set up, 2-3 plants.
  3. S

    whats a light baffle?

    Hi Im gonna be setting up a growdrobe and read somewhere that the air intakes need to be light-proofed by making a simple baffle out of cardboard. Anybody know what exactly this means and how they are actually made, ive searched around and cant find any info!!:sad: Thanks