Recent content by slakkr

  1. S

    How long do shrooms last for?

    Yeah just make sure you keep them in an air-tight container (ie jar, ziplock baggy all the zipped, you get the idea) and you can keep them for at least a month or so.
  2. S


    I have two, one of a japenese symbol on my arm that means wicked. I have my initials written in cursive across my chest. If I had my digital camera i'd post em up. I really don't have a problem with people who have tattoo's, except for the few that really, REALLY overdo it.
  3. S

    Ron Paul's Peoples

    I think he meant if Rudy gets the presidency, because that guy would be the worst choice for president. All he does is repeat 9/11 thousands of times, 'un-informed' people only like him because he was the mayor during 9/11, Idk why people don't look into the people running for office.
  4. S

    Another Prime Bush Ally Dumped-- Aussie Howard "Suffers Humiliating Defeat"

    It's funny that all throught out the world people are finally doing something and we're still stuck with the worst one of all in office.