Recent content by smearnovice

  1. smearnovice

    But I thought Obama hit the "reset button"?? Feds arrest 10 accused of being Russian

    If the politicos had sat on it until now, what makes you think there is no way they decided to release all this at a convenient time for them? And regarding the state department not paying attention, what makes you say they are pretending nothing's happened? From your link: Now the...
  2. smearnovice

    But I thought Obama hit the "reset button"?? Feds arrest 10 accused of being Russian

    Does it? Or does federal court just mean there where federal charges brought up against them? And sure thing about the FBI and bureaucratic agencies, but look at who arrested Tommy Chong? the DEA. The FBI and DEA are just the tools, or arms if you will, of higher bureaucratic powers. There is...
  3. smearnovice

    But I thought Obama hit the "reset button"?? Feds arrest 10 accused of being Russian

    my guess that, like "operation pipe dreams' (i think that's what it's called) during the outbreak of the Iraq war, this is something to distract the media and public from real underlying problems that are happening. Like BP's oil spill. And the Iraq war. And the ever-forgotten Afghanistan war...
  4. smearnovice

    I got my marijuana back

    say you got a hernia from the whole experience and sue for $$$
  5. smearnovice

    We may be standing on the verge of world war

    haha Japan loves America right now, and due to treaties passed after WWII Japan can't have a large fighting force. Japan's not going to be a player in all this.
  6. smearnovice

    We may be standing on the verge of world war

    yea and whoever becomes the next pres wont be wanting any wars in his first months of presidency. also, the gulf war was pretty much the Soviets helping the Iraqi's and Americans helping Kuwait, but no fighting between these so called 'sponsers' ensued.
  7. smearnovice

    We may be standing on the verge of world war

    i doubt the us will try to butt in this war. With one war going, and an atrocious approval rate, Bush won't be able to get congress to ratify war.
  8. smearnovice

    Chillest Glass Pipe/Bong CONTEST!!!!!

    is the contest still going on>
  9. smearnovice

    First grow started 2/28

    yea yo the seeds didnt sprout, so instead of using bagseeds, im gonna buy some online peace
  10. smearnovice

    First grow started 2/28

    I have bagseedsk and yesterday I put my seeds in a paper towel, hopefully that will work
  11. smearnovice

    Who Believes In God?

    There has to be something after death, even though I can't say i can associate myself with any religion.
  12. smearnovice

    First grow started 2/28

    It's been 3 days and my seeds haven't sprouted yet, I'm wondering if there is something wrong
  13. smearnovice

    Aerogarden pump question

    I used boiled and then filtered tap water in my res. Where I live rainwater isnt the cleanest thing :(
  14. smearnovice

    Aerogarden pump question

    The sponges are warm and wet, the pumps are always on and its 30 degrees C in the room at all times. I have a basil seed in the garden, kinda as a front, and it already germinated, and no show from the weed seeds. Fletch I'll definatly do that next time :)
  15. smearnovice

    Aerogarden pump question

    im just doing this for experience fletch, not enormous yeilds. I currently can't afford the time needed to build my own system as well, so il be happy with less than an o. ok, so it's been two days with lights on waiting to germinate. I just turned the lights off so i should be good now. By...