Recent content by smoker toker

  1. smoker toker

    People these days..

    I'm happy the two people I trust intimately with my herbal life never fuck me over =p :leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:
  2. smoker toker

    Sex Or Drugs

    I love my weed but I think I love pussy just a little bit more... lol... although sometimes i've blown off pussy to get stoned =p... it's a double edged sword really... both choices have their pros and cons.... I agree fully though that sex powns when stoned =) :leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:
  3. smoker toker

    Wow, Ive never done that before.....

    heh heh heh... I did something simlar... Got blitzed on a lunch break once (Vizine powns.. lol)... And rolled another one for when I got off work, could smoke it in the car on the way home..... and before I left I put it in my ear like a cigerette... lol..And didn't realize... I got back to work...
  4. smoker toker

    Ok People... Heh.. Lookie Here Please...

    Think I'm stupid... I'm stoned... whatever...... This is for EVERYONE to discusses religion... Christians.. Atheists... everyone.. I believe in God.... that said... The following is a list of quotes from books called The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind... Yes, this could go under quotes...
  5. smoker toker

    Attention Atheist

    I believe in God... I believe Jesus Christ was a real person at some point in time... I believe in heaven... I believe in hell.... That said.... Church and the Bible is BS... seriously.. don't mean to offend... but my two cents... God gave human being on this planet "free will"... The...
  6. smoker toker

    legalizing marijuana

    When I'm 70... 71 years old... it'll be the year 2060.... and I'm gonna bring back "The 60's" like a mutha =p :leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:
  7. smoker toker

    SciFi / Fantasy Readers?

    Terry Goodkind - Sword of Truth series... not sure about the whole series but Wizard's First Rule is a VERY good book =)... I don't like to read
  8. smoker toker

    2012 - Is there really going to be a life changing event? Or is this just all talk??

    Let's please remember... hehe... that guy on the vid can pull the stone (or at least i'm assuming i didn't watch.. lol)... ok.. fine.. using science that I'm sure they didn't have back then =p... And he's not pulling it 100 feat in the air either =p.... :leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf: We'll...
  9. smoker toker

    Smoking Techniques

    Your hot shower idea is kind of on the right track.... Ever see the show 1000 Ways to Die?... Dunno if this is bull or what but.... saw this couple who were drinking and taking some pain pills while in a hot tub... and because of the steam... heat inscreased this and that endorphins etc... It...
  10. smoker toker

    2012 - Is there really going to be a life changing event? Or is this just all talk??

    Stoned... so making a quick post.. hehe... "Mian calender ending" is BS!... Their civilization does not exist anymore... which means.. at some point... they stopped making calenders.. lol.. had to end some time.. lol :lead: Buddy of mine in college in astrology says the sun has massive flairs...
  11. smoker toker

    The highest you've ever been

    Dude... on weed only.... I got so fucking high, I was in a Lazy Boy chair... and even slouched I couldn't hold up my body own body weight... guess I was stoned... Smoked like 4 joints... one with a friend... was sooo stoned couldn't sit up... crawled to the floor on a matress.. and passed out...
  12. smoker toker


    Fuck snow Fuck police FUCK stupid people FUCK anyone who says I'm wrong :leaf: =)
  13. smoker toker

    Body Scanners In Airports

    Scanners at airports not only X-ray, detect metal and scan surfaces but also "sniff" the air for a wide variety of compounds. Airport security are also trained to profile people who might sick, intoxicated or likely to be carrying illegal substances. With the amount of scanners, dogs, customs...
  14. smoker toker

    Stoned and being haunted!!!!

    lmao... sounds like a blast to be... it's always fun to get scared when your stoned...... Maybe the ghost wanted a peice o ur joint.. haha :leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:
  15. smoker toker

    drinking and smoking???

    If you want to mix the two, smoke BEFORE you drink... if you drink first then smoke, in my experiences the weed intensifies your drunkenness and you barely feel the high at all. :leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf: