Recent content by snkt

  1. S

    anyone else familiar with this worm on cannabis plant?

    i grow outdoor balcony n i saw couple of these on my cannabis plant eating leaves n buds...anyone knows what are these???
  2. S

    not growing anymore.should i HARVEST?

    asking this question just because its not fucking growing anymore... :(
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    not growing anymore.should i HARVEST?

    it SATIVA strain and i cannot see her growing since 2 weeks she is 10 weeks old..i know sativa takes a bit longer to mature but ..its not growing not growing anymore i mean the BUD SIZE and everything.. so should i harvest now?will it hav a good high? here are the...
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    URGENT your advice is needed

    if you transplant the seedling there are chances of seedling being healthy comparatively to the which is directly sowed ...while transplanting seedling to the bigger container ,the plant will learn to expand roots which eventually gets capable of sucking more nutrients n grow faster n...
  5. S

    difference between legal marijuana n street marijuana?so dark n compressed?

    so...nothing harmful if smoked this stuff rite?
  6. S

    difference between legal marijuana n street marijuana?so dark n compressed?

    this is the one thing that always comes to my mind when i buy street/illegal marijuana...why is this street stuff is so dark n sticky n like it is so much pressed!?!? n while i see on legal cannabis stores they are lighter in shade n bit fluffy and loose?? do street marijuana dealers put some...
  7. S

    cannabis sativa's 6th week flowering.small buds?

    my sativa is flowering n its in 7th week .i know sativa takes a bit long to mature ...but do you think this plants buds are too small for 7th week?n when do u think it will b ready for harvest??and this plants almost all fan leaves got yellowed n fell off is it normal ?? here are d pics :peace:
  8. S

    4th week of flowering sativa! small buds?

    can any one link me wer i can see pictures from 1st week of flowering to harvest of ""SATIVA"" strain ???
  9. S

    4th week of flowering sativa! small buds?

    ITS outdoor in my balcony light is all frm nature..n yeah i got a lil thrips on my plant wen it was in veg...but its all fine rid of them!
  10. S

    4th week of flowering sativa! small buds?

    4th week of flowering (from seed) its sativa..iv heard sativa takes long time to mature but is my plant tooooo slowwww?? or wat? pics attached.. any idea how lang it may take to gt fully mature???? :sleep:
  11. S

    not able to figure out the problem..please help :(

    seems like a burn to it hot in there?
  12. S

    some hairs got totally brown while others are white in the same plant!

    u can also understand what i am tryin to explain and ask by reading that plz help!
  13. S

    some hairs got totally brown while others are white in the same plant!

    i was told that when ur plant is mature enough ..the hair will start showing a brownish color..but my plant is in 2nd week flowering and what i sw today is..some hair are totally brown and some are like really white the same plant!!hav a look at pic 1st is of brown hair and second of...
  14. S

    changing back to 20/4 will continue flowering?

    just got my marijuana plants into flowering ..abt 1 week ..for the veg stage my light period was 20/4 and for flowering i changed it to 12/12, now..since it is flowering...i was thinkin if i change it back it 20/4 will it stop flowering or will it continue to flower???:roll::roll::roll: