So Hi
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  • Hey So Hi... Cops took it about three weeks before harvest... I visited a hydro store once and thats all it took
    Sounds good bro, I'm gonna start off a few of my Cherry OG soon, are you running a journal here on your grow??
    I was lookin at the Super Sour OG and Lemon Diesel myself too and will be lookin forwards to seein those mate.
    Great man we can exchange some notes I grabed 10 super sour og, 5 bubba 76, 5 mastodon, 10 lemon diesel and 10 lost cost og. I'm super dupper excited about this stuff . I know what you mean about space my veg room is full and my flowering so these will be my next grow in about 6 weeks.
    You read my mind mate lol, but I'm way ahead of you there, I actually picked a pack of 12 reg Cherry OG up weeks ago from Weed World mag after reading through an article in the last issue and decided to give them a go, before the 'tude even listed them too mate!!. I'm gonna crack 'em as soon as I have the space in my veg closet for more, I'm at over full capacity as it is now lol,
    Hey there SoHi, yeah I've just started of a new seed grow mate I'm 2 weeks from seed now with my new grow, links in my sig' to my journal thread bro'. I've got over 20 'lil seedlings goin atm.
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