Recent content by SpyderWhite17

  1. S

    Marijuana sizes nickle,dime,oz,ect

    sounds like whoever asked this is like 13 years old cuz they are trying to be cool using "da" and if you are of age to post on here you would know by experience no wouldnt try to act all gangster words are mouth fulls, actions split skulls
  2. S

    One of my plants im curing. been 2 weeks curing..

    if you are looking for the dense buds u will have to put them in a bag tighter than you would have them curing..dense buds you are used to getting commercially are nice and compact because most people have them in a bag that they usually keep pretty tight. also if you have a really high watt to...
  3. S

    Old Timer's first time.....

    thats not mylar btw.. pretty nice setup though...if you really wanna get addicted to growing do research on is way more worth it
  4. S

    First proper grow

    just an fyi: mirrors reflect hot spots of light and will burn little spots onto your plants...look into growing with the scrog takes a little longer to veg but it is well worth can triple your yields if you do it right. oh and the way to tell if it is flowering is if the...
  5. S

    Why no fucking buds yet???

    yea MH isnt in the right spectrum to flower cuz it over compensates the small amount of red light from your MH bulb because of the contrast of blues if you JUST switched to HPS that would be why it has only just started to flower
  6. S

    help! should I cut leaves that are covering buds?

    be careful not to get too focused on the leaves on the bottom of your plant. depending on what light you use, it will only penetrate so much so focus more on where you do have budsites at about mid-plant and they will grow bigger