Recent content by squarepusher

  1. squarepusher

    Strongest Strain Known To Man?

    case closed? pffft dunno about indica.... black domina from mr nice? or someone is the strongest i've tried neville's haze for sativa, hands down only my opinion :)
  2. squarepusher

    Strains that were a big dissapointment.

    pretty much any of arjans hazes, i've grown them all except strawberry and ultra 2. which i'm sure are splendid. lot of hype, lot of effort, i'm back on neville's / ssh now thank god
  3. squarepusher

    You know you have too much time on your hands when... yes indeed. it's made out of matchsticks. I mean Lord of the Rings is cool but mate... seriously... go for a walk or something.
  4. squarepusher

    Worst thing you've ever gotten in your eye...?

    listen to the frogs
  5. squarepusher

    Worst thing you've ever gotten in your eye...?

    shit that a lot of unpleasant things to get in your eye mate. i'll bike some semen eyewash round pdq
  6. squarepusher

    Need Some advice...

    are nubs allowed to drive a stake through these threads?
  7. squarepusher

    Always paranoid

    seriously good advice from the guys above. the only thing i would ask is what positive benefits are you feeling when you smoke? unless they hugely outweigh the bad ones, maybe you should consider knocking it on the head for a bit. supposed to be fun innit.
  8. squarepusher

    Worst thing you've ever gotten in your eye...?

    either that or i've successfully deleted the memory.
  9. squarepusher

    Worst thing you've ever gotten in your eye...?

    the semen story is a little complicated. basically i made it up for a laugh. sorry to steal your thunder dude
  10. squarepusher

    Worst thing you've ever gotten in your eye...?

    semen. not mine.
  11. squarepusher

    The Doggy Nuts

    they're a fucking rip off tbh. check out (ikkle brit version of this) for specifics but you can get twice the quality for half the price (or less) from a decent dutch seedbank
  12. squarepusher

    Chantix - i guess i will be killing myself now

    well done dude :clap:. and good luck. The Electronic Cigarette Company (UK) Ltd. - SHOP - now all we need to do is work out how to get hash oil into the bastard thing :lol:
  13. squarepusher

    1000 Things to do while stoned

    314: reflect on how dead this thread is 315: skin up
  14. squarepusher

    1000 Things to do while stoned

    212: stalk this thread until it hits 419, then jump in. could take a while.
  15. squarepusher


    hang on if something grows out of ground its not a drug? sweet. pass the opium. weed is a drug, it's just a completely harmless one.