Recent content by StarLife

  1. StarLife

    Trimming all leaves night before a harvest?

    I tried it on two of my remaining three, I'm experimenting (:
  2. StarLife

    Trimming all leaves night before a harvest?

    Has anyone every trimmed all their plant's leaves off the night/day before you harvested to save the time and crystal production in the morning??
  3. StarLife

    Cfl buds, almost time?

    They've always had Cfls at some point in the day; I put them out on my patio when ever it's sunny out there, but it's winter and I'm lucky if my plants get 5 hours of decent sun back there :/ The rest of the time Cfls! (: I'm also using a 4 ft. T8 along the tops. But the bulbs I used for...
  4. StarLife

    Cfl buds, almost time?

    Hahaha dude comin into this grow I had no preparation or anything, Just stuck um in the closet and put some lights on um. I didn't realize how much effort it actually takes to keep a room healthy >.< I just checked um, no mites as of right now. Thanks for the warning I'll be keeping my eyes...
  5. StarLife

    Cfl buds, almost time?

    I definitely had them, I haven't seen any webs or anything for about two weeks now though. Those spots are from heat stress I believe, they don't wipe off like the spidermites.
  6. StarLife

    Cfl buds, almost time?

    Thanks man, I've never grown so I'm gettin real anxious. I think Monday's gonna be the day (:
  7. StarLife

    Cfl buds, almost time?

    My bad, forgot to upload with OP >.< Up now!
  8. StarLife

    Cfl buds, almost time?

    First grow, thinking about harvesting the first plant next Monday or so. The others I'm waiting at least two weeks to a month. (Strawberry Cough #1) (Strawberry Cough #1 lower bud) (Master Kush) (Sour Grapes) (Strawberry Cough #2) Thanks for looking, Feedback PLEASE!
  9. StarLife

    CFL/ 4 ft. fluoro/ outdoor; Day 16 of flowering.

    Some close ups of what they look like tonight when I put them to sleep. Well at least as close up as my POS camera can get.
  10. StarLife

    Powdery mildew is puzzling me....

    Same problem, I read somewhere, that even though your temperature & humidity are low it's still possible to get powdery mildew if the plants are too close together. BUMP for some help!
  11. StarLife

    CFL/ 4 ft. fluoro/ outdoor; Day 16 of flowering.

    My first grow. I have a small closet in my room that I'm growing in; 3 mothers(Strawberry Cough(2), & Norcal Purp x Church), 2 clones (Sour Grapes, & Master Kush) (12) 23w 2700k (2) 4ft. 40w 6100k (temporary, untill I can get an HPS or something.) The three larger ones have been...
  12. StarLife

    Closet CFL/ Out door, lemme know what you think?

    Veg room : 2 4ft. 40w 6500k = 6,100 lumens. Flower room : 16 23w 2700k = 26,400 lumens. Veg room is on a shelf above the Flower room. Everyone's using a little bit of coffee grounds to help keep it a little more acidic, and 15-30-15. Norcal Purp x Church Sour grapes smaller...
  13. StarLife

    Closet CFL/ Out door, lemme know what you think?

    Woke up this morning to find that a worm or a caterpillar? had been eating away at my biggest plant last night. It didn't get too much thankfully, but how did this happen? Probably from leaving it outside?
  14. StarLife

    Closet CFL/ Out door, lemme know what you think?

    New light bulbs today. Now using 8 23w, all 2,700k. As for the top that's still vegging, they should be okay under those two 4 ft. 40w right? Those two bulbs together are putting out 6,100 lumens just for those two babies.
  15. StarLife

    Closet CFL/ Out door, lemme know what you think?

    No problem, my uncle used to grow for the neighbor hood back in the 70's so he's taught me his secrets. (; He used to put fish emulsion in the soil as well, and crushed egg shells, but I didn't wanna have too much stuff for my first grow. Here's my girls in action as we speak with the sun about...