Recent content by swagboy

  1. S

    Mold? It's raining like a mofo!

    Cool, thanks for the suggestion. I went and checked on my girls today, no signs of mold whatsoever at the moment. Shook the sh*t out of them to knock out any water in the buds and cola, so far so good. Looked at the trichs under the microscope, they look pretty clear still, so my guess is they...
  2. S

    Mold? It's raining like a mofo!

    How concerned should I be about mold at this point in the growing season? I'm north of the 49th parallel, so the plants are getting close, maybe a week or 2 away at most. The trichs are starting to turn cloudy... Anyway, it's been raining here for a few days, supposed to rain a few more before...
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    I've got the same issue... 1 male and 3 females out of 4 viable seeds. When the sex started showing I moved the male out of the group, and put him about 200 feet or so away. The wind typically blows away from the main area so hopefully I'm OK. I will be trying the same thing, pollenating with a...
  4. S

    Is natural light on a cloudy day better than a 13w florescent?

    Thanks for that... it "mostly" confirms what I suspected... As for the greenhouse-thing... it's one of those rectangular boxes, about the size of two pieces of paper stacked end-to-end. The bottom is black plastic, the top is clear. I think they're used to get seeds started. I just...
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    BC Growers Legal Limit

    Would love to know the answer to this one...
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    Is natural light on a cloudy day better than a 13w florescent?

    OK, I'll bite... another noob question... The weather here has been shit, pretty cloudy/rainy, about 15c (60f)... so I've been growing seedlings under a 400w HPS to get a head start. At those temps, on a cloudy day, am I wasting power leaving them under the light? They will eventually go...
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    Any benefit to "greenhousing" germinated seeds?

    Hey all, So I've just germinated a new batch of seeds, about to place them in the growing medium... I intend to move the plants outdoors eventually but will veg them under a 400W HPS to give a head start. My question is: should I be putting the pots with the germinated seeds under a mini...
  8. S

    Starting indoor, moving outdoor... help please

    Cool, thanks for that. Right now the light is maybe 3 feet off the seedlings, but I want to make optimum use of the light, obviously. I will try lowering it a bit. Thanks!
  9. S

    Starting indoor, moving outdoor... help please

    Noob questions, so be gentle please... Because of a late start and shitty weather, I am starting my plants indoors, wanting to move them outside as they mature and conditions improve. So, some questions: 1. I'm using a single 400w HPS setup, growing 4 seedlings (all that sprouted from a bag...