Recent content by swanmyst

  1. S

    2011 norcal outdoor season

    I am in the Sac area and I got a small bookshelf like greenhouse. Is it too early to put some small clones out in pots in it? Am also curious if anyone out there has ever used this products? Thanks in advance for any advice!
  2. S

    POLL Ten 100 gallon pots, how many pounds per plant ?

    Drool, drool drool... wipe... drool more.. amazing!
  3. S

    Punks jumped the fence and took the best of my smoke while I slept

    Hey there, here some more sympathy for you!! A real bummer ... I'm always afraid of someone seeing my few from the neighbors house, but I keep them very short. Did they get all of them?
  4. S

    bud worms

    Sorry, I don't know as this is my first year too. But you have my sympathies with the worms. I have been battling the dreaded bud worms. Ugggh. Had to pull up my Blue Dream early. I have found some worms when trimming damaged ones which I cut off just in case it had some I couldn't see. Still...
  5. S

    Vote Know on Prop 19!!!

    I think any step in the right direction is a step. Yes it's not a perfect start, but like someone says, we'll wait forever for that. So let 'em put some limits on to start with. Once they see that the entire of civilization as we know it isn't going to collapse from all the stoners once its...
  6. S

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Hey there anomilies, you have my shared sympathies for sure! I've been picking out the worms ever since I first found them a few days ago. Had to pull up the Blue Dream yesterday as it was the last planted and wasn't very big, and the worms seemed to like it best. I just didn't want to take...
  7. S

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Hi ya'll. thanks for all the great knowledge. This is my first grow, in pots outside in Sac, and I have just found those dang worms in my lovely buds too! Was out there with the flashlight in my mouth while I desperately searching for them chopping critters in my buds in the dark. Squished a...