Recent content by the calm

  1. the calm

    puttin u in a bad mood?

    was wondering if anybody has noticed at some point in their smoking lives that they seem sadder more often or anything, not when you do smoke, but when ur sober.
  2. the calm


    Haha thats interesting, everyone i've ever talked to around here (seattle) uses dime and dub, what do u call em in florida? cool chart, never been able to see a nice breakdown like that before. anyways, seems like it's probably not worth it, but i bought it anyway:D i'll post back w/ a...
  3. the calm


    Hey so my friend said e could get a dub of medical white widow, but that it was gonna be 30 for it, "But it's really good, medical ww" is the reasoning when i questioned. I've never dealt w/ medical stuff before so i know absolutely nothing about it. does this sound accurate or are people...
  4. the calm

    picture of my girlfriend...

    i think its from a movie, but i can't remember which, the dude says that to another guy "Would you fuck me? i'd fuck me. i'd fuck me hard." some stupid shit like that, IF thats what he was referring to???:blsmoke:
  5. the calm

    mother f**ker

    to put a positive spin on it... at least the breakers did their job and your place didn't burn down, then the coppers find your grow, so really, its not NEARLY as bad as it could have been. :)
  6. the calm

    issues with signature

    whenever i put anything in the signature thing, it tells me it's too long and that i am allowed only 2 lines of text when i only put three words, even though i see people w/ like 1000 kabillion lines, any idea whats goin on? EDIT: NM got it sorta, i think...
  7. the calm

    Chem Lab: Fun Facts about Sweat-Absorbing Drug Test Patches and Marijuana

    wow, that just pisses me off. i was thinking about it today and its so stupid that the government cares about what we put in our own bodies, it's seriously ridiculous and i'm not a ranter so i'll stop now. :)
  8. the calm

    how do you contoll you munchie's

    i just use a some willpower and don't start eating, i think you will find its easier to not start then it is to start, and then try and stop, usually cuz if ur high ur not really payin attention to what ur eating or how much, so just try not to start and focus on something else. also, i heard...
  9. the calm

    i bought my buddy a new bong

    yea same here
  10. the calm

    i bought my buddy a new bong

    whats the blue thing inside? yum cheezits!
  11. the calm

    Travel??? Where did you go??

    where have you traveled to? what was awesome about it? I really wanna go travel as soon as i finish school, any suggestions of some sweet places? I already fer sure wanna go somewhere to surf, and scuba dive, but other than that, maybe like Thailand or somewhere? what are your experiences...
  12. the calm

    What should i make?

    sweet, if you like to build stuff i found this sweet site OpenDNS
  13. the calm

    Is ice really unhealthy?

    whats a roor?
  14. the calm

    What should i make?

    hah shoulda known:mrgreen: shit k i'll try and thing of something amazing, except somebody prolly already made it. wait, so if the smoke passes through water, is that what would make it smoother? or, how does that work, like what makes smoother smoke?
  15. the calm

    What should i make?

    i wanna make something, like build, something awesome, but i have no ideas. what are yours?