Recent content by Thedecstar

  1. Thedecstar

    The UK Growers Thread!

    People are knocking out 1.4 for 20 and you never know what it is because they love to lie and say it's some crazy punk and then make up a name, a personal fav of mine was when it was named biltong blaze.... Lol a strain named after an African dried meat product yes please ill take 4 zips haha
  2. Thedecstar

    Slow Growth and Yellow Leaves.

    I have a similar problem, this is my first go at this and have really been getting excited and wrapped up in the process, best hobby I've never had lol, started with 6 and now left with 3 but keen to see it through, got a brown spot on one and a tinge of yellow in another although it only...