Recent content by themadgrower

  1. T

    Another Free Grow Operation Software

    another free grow operation software
  2. T

    Can i use miracle grow?

    I would agree with winstonrasta
  3. T

    Cold temps move indoors??

    your plants should be able to survive a day or two in low temps. If your worried you possibly could place a space heater close to your plant.
  4. T

    Best way to dry an OZ?

    you mean you purchased a zip and it's too wet? if so just leave the bag open for a few hours and that will do the trick.
  5. T

    Free Grow Software!

    #1 you are posting in the wrong topic #2 I would recommend against moving a DWC plant into soil so late in the life cycle. I believe this will cause you more issues than your ready for.
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    Free Grow Software!

    Wow, Way to mis quote me there buddy.... Also, I don't think there is a version for $100, where are you getting your info? Anyway to each their own, Good effort guys!
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    Free Grow Software!

    I'll chime in here... I've seen this thread a few times and have posted to it once. The Grow Assistant runs on mac and now they are offering a free version. Maybe give them a look if this program does not meet your needs? I only use the GA because I'm friends with the developer and it...
  8. T

    Is it ready to harvest?

    those look like they are getting pretty close. Of course the best way to tell is with a microscope. Do you have one of these?
  9. T

    Personal Medical Grow in Coco. [Chem D, Grape Romulan, Grapefurit Haze, Casey Jones]

    your plants are looking good man! I need to start a grow journal.. Are you using a Secret Jardin tent? These are my favorite, I own several... never let me down.
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    Fruit Flies

    fruit flys can be bad for your plants as they drink the juices from the plant. I prefer natural solutions... a praying mantis, or beneficial mites perhaps?
  11. T

    I caught someone in my garden.

    thanks sucks man, I hope they don't rip off your crop before harvest, Good Luck!!!
  12. T

    Pics on Day 17, How Am I Doing?

    Things look good to me from here! Isn't growing just one of the best things ever!!!
  13. T

    Some pics

    Wow a gun avatar, large amounts of bud, and a few wads of money. Glad I don't live by you
  14. T

    Club 600

    Those plants look nice guys
  15. T

    Bagseed All CFL Grow HD VIDEOS 720P!

    Am I not seeing something? Where are the videos?