Recent content by Thundakat85

  1. Thundakat85

    What you smoking on??

    Pics not worth posting, just some schwag blunts here, but good schwag none-the-less
  2. Thundakat85

    Check this Texas flashlight out.

    That was awesome, man I love Texas.
  3. Thundakat85

    NFL Playoffs... YEAH!

    Huge Texans fan here, been waiting 10 years for that win yesterday. Feels good, can't wait for next sunday.
  4. Thundakat85

    I'm so stoned I....

    I really think I'm turning Japanese. . . I really think so. . .
  5. Thundakat85

    Smoke a bowl and appraise this tattoo!

    It looks like an ear to me. . .is that just me?
  6. Thundakat85

    +rep to anyone who can find this song for download ...

    http://<a class="my_play my_27" title="Rock Me Amadeus" href=""...
  7. Thundakat85

    Google Image Wars

    :shock:^^ wtf???!!
  8. Thundakat85

    All of this over such a beatiful flower...

    Wow, crazy powerful message. Nice find.
  9. Thundakat85

    Google Image Wars

    I have no idea what the hell this is, but I think it wants our souls. . .
  10. Thundakat85

    Now where on earth did you get that idea?

    Ya ya ya, I just accidentally pressed the semicolon key, I didn't leave punctuation out all together. I'll never buy that as an excuse, it's called Spell Check. It's one thing to speak differently than someone else, but they're typing. There isn't absolutely a wrong way to speak, but there...
  11. Thundakat85

    Now where on earth did you get that idea?

    The lack of grammatical punctuation these days casts a large, dark shadow over our current education system; It makes me sad.
  12. Thundakat85

    What Are You Watching Right Now?

    Watching The Big Bang Theory, Kaley Cuoco is so hot.
  13. Thundakat85

    The "I'm fucked both ways" story.

    Break the law, face the consequences if you get caught. . .also, every time you litter an Indian and a Texan cry. . .so don't do it, or at least don't admit it publicly.
  14. Thundakat85

    Cherry Pie

    man i could go for some real cherry pie right about now.
  15. Thundakat85

    Strange but Real Names

    La-ah (pronounced Luh-Dash-Uh) true story