Recent content by Timmernye

  1. T

    90 degrees and rising HELP! 3600 watt grow room!

    Thats only 50% of the harvest;)
  2. T

    90 degrees and rising HELP! 3600 watt grow room!

    Hey all. My first grow is now over and I got 4553,4gram or 10.03lbs:) Thats 1.1g pr.watt... I ran 4200watt most of the time To all who said "noob has gone over his head" bla bla bla. haha
  3. T

    Best Ways to Get Water around a Larger Grow Op

    Go for hydroponics instead. With a large resorvoir there is almost no maintanance!
  4. T

    90 degrees and rising HELP! 3600 watt grow room!

    I have fixed the air;) I added 6 air cooled hoods and a new 700cfm fan to cool them down. Now I can adjust the temperature from 65 - 85 24\hrs a day;) sw33t! tnx for the help!
  5. T

    Check Out My Grow! Let Me Know What You Think

    How do you cool your lights? I mean, how many cfl does your fan that is connected to the lights move? I have a 400cfl fan on 3x600w HPS with 4" ducting, but I am wondering of I should get a 700 or a 1000 instead. How do you manage to get your room so cold when you dont have any fresh air coming...
  6. T

    740 cfm enough to cool 6 600w hps?? + PICS OF MY GROW

    I am wondering the same thing. Now I have 3 lights on my 400cfm and I am wondering how much more cfm I need to add 3 more lights, making it 6 total..!
  7. T

    90 degrees and rising HELP! 3600 watt grow room!

    Now I have bought 3 air cooled hoods and those 3 are the only one that is turned on. I also bought a 700m3\h (400cfl) fan that sucks fresh air from outside using a 4" ducting, through the lamps ant pushes the air up out on the roof. I really dont think it helped much, maby 1 celsius which is a...
  8. T

    90 degrees and rising HELP! 3600 watt grow room!

    Right now I am only running 4 of my 6, 600watt HPS and I barely manage to keep the temperature at 75fahrenheit! I am not looking forward to turning the last 2 HPS on.. What would be better?: Changing the out exhaust air fan to 2500m3 (70% more than I currently have) Or Keep the 1500m3 exhaust...
  9. T

    90 degrees and rising HELP! 3600 watt grow room!

    My HPS`s are not air cooled! I use best quality reflectors instead, dont know why, but I do;) Anyone on the expected yield?
  10. T

    90 degrees and rising HELP! 3600 watt grow room!

    Does anyone know how much I can expect to get with this system? I mean, Ebb\flow hydro, 3600watt, perfect temperature and very good nutes. If nothing goes terribly wrong I mean. The 1gram pr. watt, is that just a myth? I grow the Silver haze strain;) I have heard it`s a heavy yielder!
  11. T

    90 degrees and rising HELP! 3600 watt grow room!

    I found hoods without glass, but it`s not as temperature effective as the ones with glass. I will report back when I have changed the exchaust in\out. I don`t have any plants there yet, I want my system to work 100% perfect before I fill the pots:) Carpenting inside the room is way to hard...
  12. T

    90 degrees and rising HELP! 3600 watt grow room!

    Thats what I concluded with. I am getting a 1400cfm to use as a extraction fan. Then I will use mu excisting 700cfm for IN AIR instead. Thats going to be a LOT of air movement! I really don`t want to use cooltubes! Does all air cooled HPS have glass in front of the HPS lamp?
  13. T

    90 degrees and rising HELP! 3600 watt grow room!

    Yes, on all of the above, I know how to handle a grow room. I just need to fix the temperature. But I see now what I have been doing wrong, but tnx anyways:)
  14. T

    90 degrees and rising HELP! 3600 watt grow room!

    Why is it more hassle to have 6x600 than 1x600? I use a huge water resorvoir to maintan stable food, PH etc. I just made a quck paint picture to show you my setup:
  15. T

    90 degrees and rising HELP! 3600 watt grow room!

    Getting rid of the ligts is NOT a good plan:) And how will a lot more fans help me? You do understand that a regular fan simply makes the air circulate, not cooling it or extracting it out for new cooler air to get in? The way I see it, I have 4 options and will do it step by step untill I get...