Recent content by TNigs

  1. TNigs

    Some kind of double dwarf plant?

    Hey guys first time poster here was just wondering whats going on with my plant. Its grown to a quarter of the size as the others, the leafs aren's as green and theres two main stems in it. Was just wondering if anyone had any explanation on this. This last picture is one thats growin good...
  2. TNigs

    HELP yellowing leaves

    oh too late this guy ^ knows whats good
  3. TNigs

    Crop Stolen!!!

    ya dud e be pissed not worried, it was probly just some stupid kids that know nothing of growing... they probly only know of smoking nothin else. cops wouldve had some kind of tire tracks if u were far in the forest. haha and ya i completely agree with patlpp fair trial then HANG EM
  4. TNigs

    Finally tripped off 2cp

    ya haddaway that is exactly what i think about or see when everyone is around you.... you really do see how ignorant humanity is. just watchin mymy friends it was fucked up
  5. TNigs

    how safe is LSD and / or Shrooms, which one should i try?

    i dont think you should make tea lol just chew em or put them on a pizza
  6. TNigs

    One plant has a yellow tinge

    sounds like ur pH is too low so the nitrogen is being locked out. keep the pH between 6.5 and 7.0. since its too acidic add some dolomite to the soil.