Recent content by torichan

  1. torichan

    Expert Advise needed pls , W/W is time to go flowering ? dont waist my effort

    3 weeks into flowering [/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH]
  2. torichan

    Expert Advise needed pls , W/W is time to go flowering ? dont waist my effort

    Love ya dude This is what i call help , Big boom !!
  3. torichan

    Expert Advise needed pls , W/W is time to go flowering ? dont waist my effort

    thanks m8 , i know what u mean ,, is that the light don t reaches the bottom ii got some spider mites as well (fuckers , ) so i m waiting to spray 2-3 more times in 5 days period before i go flower so wont damage any buds then , that s why i am bit concern (little worried )
  4. torichan

    Expert Advise needed pls , W/W is time to go flowering ? dont waist my effort

    i think it is 300 watter not equiv and Dual Spectrum
  5. torichan

    Expert Advise needed pls , W/W is time to go flowering ? dont waist my effort

    Thanks man , i m putting a lot on them , they have all my love :) ok cool will vigilant them , What do u think about going flowering ? or should i leave a bit more time thanks again m8 boom!!!
  6. torichan

    Expert Advise needed pls , W/W is time to go flowering ? dont waist my effort

    Thanks eye , very good info , .5-1grm p/watt ... very gd info , all of them are females :) seeds and yes they r dense and solid , because of cfl heat is nothing , temp is locked on 21-25 deg max thanks champ .
  7. torichan

    Expert Advise needed pls , W/W is time to go flowering ? dont waist my effort

    Did nt mean to offend you dude , as i said this is my 1st grow , and yes maybe i am another one of thousands , this is the whole point ,how much yield for the effort i m putting ,, next time u don t need to reply if i am another 1 ,you should be immune now to this question if you saw it so...
  8. torichan

    Expert Advise needed pls , W/W is time to go flowering ? dont waist my effort

    Thanks man , Pre Flowers u mean white hair between Nods ? If so one of them it has little what about the yield what do u think ? thanks jes
  9. torichan

    Expert Advise needed pls , W/W is time to go flowering ? dont waist my effort

    Dear experts out there , This is my 1st grow indoor , set up 300 watts Giant CFL . (as u can see my set up , ) Soil , 10 weeks from seeds now , veg The ladies are very healthy ,looking so nice and fresh , My question is when i should go Flowering , i know the more u leave them...
  10. torichan

    White widow month and half grow veg from seeds , what do you think ? 300w cfl

    Ok looks lke that the ladies picked up now , seeing photos from th 24th of this month u can see they are more are getting more full here is how they look now , :) Also i m trying LST and tomorrow need to re pot the other 2 ladies Any comments for improving is welcome Thanks Buddies
  11. torichan

    The WHITE WIDOW club, Show off your grow

    Gd day to all farmers 1st grow Out side with soil in my back garden (was ok) seeds from Mate 2nd time grow , Soil Pot , outside using natural sun on the roof ,, flowered early cause i put seeds late august then went indoor last 2 weeks of flowering result was , I smoked a joint before i...
  12. torichan

    Full Spectrum CFL

    What do u think about this giant CFL I got 1 hooked with a reflector its 300 w dual spec 30 cm length 5cm diameter what you guys reckon ?
  13. torichan

    White widow month and half grow veg from seeds , what do you think ? 300w cfl

    Hi fellas , Chrisopher \ Princess high Thanks for your concern on my ladies , I m getting a bit confused here now !! but anyways it s good to hear different opinions , 1 .Ok so i m using a 300 watts CfL (dual spectrum ) with power plant reflector , runing 18/6 2. I had an accident i...
  14. torichan

    White widow month and half grow veg from seeds , what do you think ? 300w cfl

    MAte u are a living legend what u said really make sense to me and looks like u know what ur doing , thank you so much for you advise, if ur close by i pass a bong to you when they r done . This forum kick ass brothers , awesome , gd luck to all of you mates boom ,!!
  15. torichan

    White widow month and half grow veg from seeds , what do you think ? 300w cfl

    Thanks fellas , So u reckon bigger pots eh ,, ? thanks for the advise , shall i wait until the roots get strong and around cause maybe i had transfer them to this pots maybe 2 weeks ago ,or shall i go straight away ? dont know if it s me because i see them every day , but kind of they were...