Recent content by True G

  1. True G

    Illinois/Wisconsin area growers

    i'm in milwaukee .....And the weather and weed sucks here...I need to find a new connect
  2. True G

    Anyone from Wisconsin

    hey im from wisconsin..where are u from here?
  3. True G

    Hey Im from wisconsin

    Wisconsin sucks..Never can find any good trees here..Have to drive 3 hours to get some good shit...I need a damn connect..Anyways whatz good about this forum?
  4. True G

    Brownish/Yellow Spots On Leaves

    Sup Dude.. I just spoke with a hydro store clerk about the same problem with my tomato plants... All I can Say Is I was using the same soil...Believe its Nute lock-out.....He advised Flush with fresh water a lot until the water drains out the bottom for 2 minute....Should clear it up
  5. True G

    3 weeks into flower check this out

    each leave supply the energy for the bud yes keep the leaves healthy ...
  6. True G

    is this N def or mites?

    Too much nitrogen will always cause a lock-out...Although plants still need nitrogen common day nutes very little...and basically gives what works....although what works is not always whatz best.... I use flora brand so i I alway add a lil be more nitogen then suggested and that cured my problem...
  7. True G

    is this N def or mites?

    U are right seamaiden although the lack of nitrigen is usually due to ferts made for flowering lacking nitrogen...Potass is the main nute in flowering that used nature the plant gets the same amount of nutes the whole season...In indoor we changed if u keep the nutes...
  8. True G

    is this N def or mites?

    Hit it with 3 percent peroxide in case of lock out(also peroxide oxygenates) then the miracle grow...let me know what happens..Peroxide shows immediate results(Within the hour)
  9. True G

    3 weeks into flower check this out

    Plants need less nitrogen and more potass during yellowing during flowering tells me that the fert you are using are giving less nitrogen during flowering however once a plant use to getting so much nitrogen during adapts and now show def...signs....
  10. True G

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    Chicago ......kush is going 5-600 a ounce..
  11. True G

    HELP!!!! Grow box too Hot Need a solution.PLEASE HELP!

    and u moving it inside...the plant will be stressed from enviromental careful to take as much root mass as possible...
  12. True G

    HELP!!!! Grow box too Hot Need a solution.PLEASE HELP!

    thats the downfall of growing outside..The lack of enviromental control...I really dont dont think theres a permanant solution as long as the plants outside.. If i was in your shoes i'll experiment..cooling the ground around it...The problem is at 105 degrees the place drinks up water so keep...
  13. True G

    Is This A Good Idea?

    Thanks I have built that good although not enough growing area
  14. True G

    3 weeks into flower check this out

    after checking the photos again i will definitely say thats a nitrogen def
  15. True G

    3 weeks into flower check this out

    Looks like a nitrogen def....Did the yellowing/browning start at the tip...?What are u ferting with?