Recent content by Tumbleweed_13

  1. Tumbleweed_13

    Dwarf Northern Lights

    That's whats up! Keep me updated on the quantity and quality of your harvest if you will.
  2. Tumbleweed_13

    Dwarf Northern Lights

    That's one magical looking shrub you've got there. When do you expect to harvest?
  3. Tumbleweed_13

    Dwarf Northern Lights

    Yeah I just started a grow of some bag seed so that I can have a little more room to try different techniques and strategies. I have a DWC set up I want to get up and running. I wonder if a dwarf plant can focus more energy into it's flowering and therefore result in a more potent of a product...
  4. Tumbleweed_13

    Dwarf Northern Lights

    Looking good! Does though underestimate the mighty dwarf plant?!? Haha yeah, really I would be happy with just a few bowls worth even.
  5. Tumbleweed_13

    Purple leaves, slow growth

    Word on the RO water. It's hella cheap to buy by the gallon at wal-mart. It's easier to measure out PH and nutes in the gallon containers and also easy to track usage.
  6. Tumbleweed_13

    Purple leaves, slow growth

    I had a hell of a go at my first 3 weeks and it was also due to over watering. Once I transplanted them into 1 gal smart pots with coco coir soil, they picked up the pace. I'm not terribly fluent on nutes. I'm using a general hydroponics regiment. The purple I read is from a photosensitive...
  7. Tumbleweed_13

    Dwarf Northern Lights

    It's day 36 on my first grow. I've got 1 northern lights autofem that was stunted early on due to overwatering and poor ph. She's still pretty small but is now in flowering and is starting to take off. Attached is a phot from a few days ago. Have you seen an autofem this small in the flowering...
  8. Tumbleweed_13

    Seeking Advice

    Yeah that's what I had suspected. Total noob move on my part. I'll cut the dailey misting and water more on container weight instead. I hope that they pick back up. Thank you.
  9. Tumbleweed_13

    Seeking Advice

    I'm on my first go at growing and I've learned a lot but I have much more to learn. It's day 19 and my seedlings have been sluggish (see pics). Germination went really well. I started 2 northern lights auto fems and 2 purple kush fems in rapid rooters soaked in R/O water under cfls. All 4 broke...
  10. Tumbleweed_13

    Stunted Seedlings?

    Tumbleweed here, I'm on my first go at growing and I've learned a lot but I have much more to learn. It's day 19 and my seedlings have been sluggish (see pics). Germination went really well. I started 2 northern lights auto fems and 2 purple kush fems in rapid rooters soaked in R/O water under...