Recent content by Tyler_the_flyer

  1. Tyler_the_flyer

    Bunch Of Fools

    oh hell no dude. Id rather have working nuts and a healthy heart than huge muscles. Iv read about people taking small amounts of steroids to give them a boost but im not willing to play with fire like that.
  2. Tyler_the_flyer

    Bunch Of Fools

    Yeah im actually really into weight lifting. Really good at it too. Another thing weed helps with is eating. Im on a bulking diet and I have to eat like 3500-4000 calories a day. If i start lacking I can toke up a little and get the munchies. It really helps a lot.
  3. Tyler_the_flyer

    Bunch Of Fools

    oh man you convinced me. Btw we have a mutual love for fight club. My name is a reference to tyler flying around the country starting different fight clubs
  4. Tyler_the_flyer

    For those of you who workout..

    Seeing as how your job seems very metabolic (Muscle growing), I think two days a week of lifting would definitely build you some extra muscle seeing as how your still building muscle on all the other days. Just gotta make sure to eat enough protein and carbs, or your muscles will tear themselves...
  5. Tyler_the_flyer

    Bunch Of Fools

    I cant tell if you're being sarcastic or not. I respect your opinion if you aren't though. All I know is weed has helped me calm down during death of family members, having the love of my life cheat on me, severe suicidal depression. It helps me calm down and relax through the toughest times...
  6. Tyler_the_flyer

    Hillary can't be trusted

    I have no clue dude. I really don't. I'v thought about this a lot and I constantly switch from one to the other. And trump has pages and pages of issues but the fact that he wanted to ban an entire religion is what really made him an idiot in my eyes so its the only one i listed. Honestly if I...
  7. Tyler_the_flyer

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Hillary is a liar and is extremely corrupt. Trump is islamphobic and seems very naive. I hate both of them and I really wish we could get a true libertarian in office. Its too bad the elections are rigged.
  8. Tyler_the_flyer

    Bunch Of Fools

    I remember my dad telling me about him seeing people curled up in corners under a blanket smoking weed and how the weed made them lose they're families and stuff. I looked over and my mom was drinking a glass of wine and I said "If she can safely enjoy her alcohol and have a normal life like so...
  9. Tyler_the_flyer

    A quick question about dry yields

    I did some research on not over watering. Basically just water it every time the top of the soil gets pretty dry right?
  10. Tyler_the_flyer

    Lost my job, going to try growing full time :}

    I dont know if you're in a legal stare or not. But if you're in a red state then you have to understand that people with day jobs are a lot harder to bust then people who aren't. It provides both an excuse for your money and a possible alibi. Self employment is best because you're the one who...
  11. Tyler_the_flyer

    A quick question about dry yields

    Alright guys I think I'm gonna grow some of the fastest growing auto flowering seeds that aren't complete garbage. I really appreciate the help
  12. Tyler_the_flyer

    A quick question about dry yields

    Sorry, iv never grown weed before. I misunderstood the growing information and there's very little info online about growing outdoors.
  13. Tyler_the_flyer

    A quick question about dry yields

    So would you recommend growing maybe some auto flowering blue dreams? Im no connoisseur or anything, I just want some good medium quality weed to get high with. I only smoke maybe two or three times a week so if I grow five auto blue dreams and get an ounce a peace then that should last me until...
  14. Tyler_the_flyer

    A quick question about dry yields

    Basically here is what i'v deduced. Im going to feed the plants well and take good care of them. Once I get a good idea of how much il be yielding, il buy dry racks and mason jars and bodeva humidifiers, etc to process the weed.
  15. Tyler_the_flyer

    A quick question about dry yields

    I havn't even bought the seeds yet. They're ordered but wont be here till mid July. Thats when I planned on putting them in soil. Is that too late? I don't have access to clones.