Recent content by vdp91

  1. V

    Penyajos Papaya PC Grow Box. Flower Day 28. 104w Cfl Lst! Rep to All!

    you to man! and congrats on your grow i hope u have just as much if not more success in the future =D. ill still come by to check out your harvest and things like that but for the most part im gonna stop posting about anything i grow haha but takr care everyone and good luck!
  2. V

    Penyajos Papaya PC Grow Box. Flower Day 28. 104w Cfl Lst! Rep to All!

    yup fuck it done goodbye rollitup haha or atleast goodbye to growin weed
  3. V

    Penyajos Papaya PC Grow Box. Flower Day 28. 104w Cfl Lst! Rep to All!

    dude to be honest its not worth the risk at all haha it may be a little more difficult getting help or advice on problems but like i said...not worth the risk haha and you already know what to do in order to get some dank ass buds so you're set haha
  4. V

    Penyajos Papaya PC Grow Box. Flower Day 28. 104w Cfl Lst! Rep to All!

    yeh dude thats what i said! that shits rediculous haha now that i know multiple ppl got arrested off this site...iii dont feel comfortable using it anymore =( good thing i pulled my plants haha
  5. V

    Penyajos Papaya PC Grow Box. Flower Day 28. 104w Cfl Lst! Rep to All!

    yeh for real haha that makes me not want to go on here anymore. i even saw somewhere that this dude has been on the most wanted list for yeeaarrs and the FBI couldnt find him until they started using facebook and found him right away
  6. V

    DABUPP's CFL Growing Adventures

    damn dude looks beautiful!
  7. V

    First ever grow! =d cfl with just some bagseed

    awww thats weak! im sorry dude...your new plants look very nice though congrats. thats LST is crazy! hahaha right on man yeh just check back within a week or so and ill have another one. i have a few seeds germinating for my gf so i might steal one of those hahaha
  8. V

    First ever grow! =d cfl with just some bagseed

    btw how did that big one you harvested come out? i saw you posted a picture but it never showed up
  9. V

    First ever grow! =d cfl with just some bagseed

    yeeh..i still have plenty of seeds though so i can just start over and now i have all the soil lights and stuff so i just gotta get exhaust fans and i can start fresh
  10. V

    First ever grow! =d cfl with just some bagseed

    o well i had to pull them anyway. were about to renew our lease and our landlord wants to do an inspection to make sure everything is ok so i gotta hide them anyway but ill just pull them and start over no big deal haha
  11. V

    First ever grow! =d cfl with just some bagseed

    thats what i was thinking exactly...idk why but they're tiny and my basic addition is pretty up to par haha its maybe one day behind but yeh they are tiny idk whats going on. they dont show any discoloration or anything bad from what i know and nobody has said they look bad but it really is day...
  12. V

    First ever grow! =d cfl with just some bagseed

    ok so ive been told that the water in a bong might reduce the amount of THC u get when u hit it. true or false?? maybe cuz the water acts as a filter it could take out some of the THC...just curious as to whether or not this might true haha ive only heard this once
  13. V

    Penyajos Papaya PC Grow Box. Flower Day 28. 104w Cfl Lst! Rep to All!

    i shuda know...its in ur thread title hahaha myyy bad dude but thanx! haha
  14. V

    Penyajos Papaya PC Grow Box. Flower Day 28. 104w Cfl Lst! Rep to All!

    how many bulbs do u have and whats the wattage?
  15. V

    Whulkamania's "Dinafem Industrial" CFL PC Case Grow

    yeh you do 12 on and 12 hours off. just set up your timer so that whatever time they go off they come back on 12 hours later. so lets say hypothetically for your 18/6 schedule u have them come on at 1 in the afternoon once the lights turn off 18 hours later at 7 in the morning ull want to set ur...