Recent content by vendetta23

  1. vendetta23

    is it just me...

    Love it lol.....I have seen Zero asian women ads just alot of "push here for download" or "you are missing a plug-in"
  2. vendetta23

    Bushing out ur plant

    I am currently tryin the LST method and I am 3 days into it and wow, I am impressed at the plants response. I would highly recommend it to any one who is considering cutting or pinching. my plant had a shock effect of ZERO:peace:
  3. vendetta23

    Earth juice

    sweet shit lol
  4. vendetta23

    Portland area greenhouse grow

    sweet grow
  5. vendetta23

    The Northern Ireland Thread

    your askin alot NI is small and givin info like that would be kinda risky scale of 1 to 10 about a 4.5 having said that I live in America so i"m outtie peace
  6. vendetta23


    Unless its a indoor controlled should dub the offspring of that mother plant "Jesus weed"
  7. vendetta23


    so not to sound way out there or anything but jorge cerventas has discussed the fact that streamlines(winds on a global scale) carry 200,000+ ppm of cannabis pollen all over the world. Now having said that, just because there are no males around doesn't mean you plant didn't get pollinated.
  8. vendetta23

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    weed and irish related ...........sounds like a right good time fellas
  9. vendetta23

    Topping and FIMming

    there is a technique that is in my opinion quite better for the plant and gets the same results It is LST aka tyin the bitch down. take your main branch or branches an loosely put yarn around the stem or stems about a quarter of they way down the stem and gently bend the stem down about 2 or 2...
  10. vendetta23

    how to sneak weed through an airport.. onto a plane and to my destination.?

    take the bus, buy a car and drive, ride a bike dont fuck with post 9/11 laws
  11. vendetta23

    Companion planting

    so just thought I would let everyone know I have had great success with mixing my veg garden and my cannabis garden. My cannabis plants are actually growing fast then when I had them segregated. Have changed a thing just moved them next to the veggies and blam!!!! instant growth...ok not...
  12. vendetta23

    Companion planting

    so just thought I would let everyone know I have had great success with mixing my veg garden and my cannabis garden. My cannabis plants are actually growing fast then when I had them segregated. Have changed a thing just moved them next to the veggies and blam!!!! instant growth...ok not...
  13. vendetta23

    Companion planting

    so just thought I would let everyone know I have had great success with mixing my veg garden and my cannabis garden. My cannabis plants are actually growing fast then when I had them segregated. Have changed a thing just moved them next to the veggies and blam!!!! instant growth...ok not instant...
  14. vendetta23

    Bird shit

    ok so the simplest way to keep birds away is introduce a predator small birds such as finch's and medium birds such as pigeons are frightened by larger birds for usually one of 2 reasons 1-they bird wants their food and is willing to attack, 2-the bird wants them for food and is willing to...
  15. vendetta23

    Anyone using earth juice???

    i personally add all my ferts then work with up or down chems on the soil but my friend who is far more experienced than myself does ph his ferts he is very scientific about it I hope I can be like him some day