Recent content by viktorschau

  1. V

    Seed growing from both ends?

    no, keep that beautiful freak as one.
  2. V


    put it under a clear bag or maybe a glass jar (mist it and the jar/bag). You may have disturbed the root structure. Should be fine after day 3-7. Give it time to accommodate to the unassisted environment. Avoid direct sunlight as well until it rebounds.
  3. V

    Blended up leaves

    add this to a pot of honey, make sure to add some dried cubensis or pan cyan....enter the UFO
  4. V

    Help, What Type of Bug is This?

    you should catch one and freeze it. Look at the mouth parts If you find that it has mandibles it can be beneficial, keep up the gumshoe work. If it has a sucking mouth piece, it is probably an enemy
  5. V

    Seed growing from both ends?

    Let it be, the cells growing inside that seed at the moment are interesting to say the least. You ought to consider introducing to mycelium.
  6. V

    Seed growing from both ends?

    David Bowie just reincarnated in your solo cup
  7. V

    Help needed!

    heat rises, you would need to push out this heat from the top. Instead of more fan you should concentrate on exhaust.
  8. V

    Help needed!

    35C is way too hot, plant metabolism will stop.
  9. V

    Tricome camera

    you can find some large lenses from those old projector TVs (the ones with the 3 color lamps). If you look around you can probably find it for free.
  10. V


    Yes use now and in 3 days
  11. V


    add a few cinnamon sticks (2) with a few tiny pieces of fresh ginger (3 to 5) and a garlic piece to 1L of water. Bring it to 85-90C (don't boil). Let sit until it cools down. Add that to 1L of water and water your plants lightly. Repeat 3 days later
  12. V

    Gnats. No-till 30 gallon- help

    1. make sweet coffee traps to drown the adults 2. place thin potato slices at the base of your plants 3. Sprinkle some cinnamon powder (very little) on the top of your soil. After 2 or 3 days the coffee will attract them and end up drowning the adults. After a day, flip over the potato and see...
  13. V

    Water only soil advice and help

    You ought to think about adding some mycelium in the middle of your soil cooking
  14. V

    what is considered the first day of flowering

    Counting how long it takes for a certain strain to give you what you want needs to be calculated in reverse. Take the peak harvest time (in your opinion) and count how long it took for your plant to get there with the conditions in which it was grown