Recent content by waterandmetal

  1. W

    GiggleGirl Tries Again-- Magic Bud-- Pics-

    I hope its not too late but I've worked with this strain before and I could give you much needed help to get the most from you seeds, or at least clones for next time. First, gets rid of those lights, they are too hot and don't put out enough lumens. Find a small 12 inch two bulb florecent tube...
  2. W

    Fact or Fiction?

    Remember the purpling is the plants mechanism to cope with lower temps. The reason is purples is the increase the amount of light absorbed, which increases photosynthesis and the internal leaf temperature, more or less regulating it back to a state similar to a grow room maintained at 75 degrees...
  3. W

    Using blacklights..

    best ive heard is as a suppliment light because they do admit an end of the violet spectrum used in photosynthesis growth. But as a stand alone light they just don't cut it
  4. W

    Photoperiod for Larger Yields

    im with RKM and everyone else who has said cutting the light down to eight hours by the end. The thing to remember is that when growing indoors, you are nature, and that your plants follow the rules of nature as well. The trick is to make the grow enviroment as stressless as possible. When...
  5. W

    Maybe A Breakthrough!

    there are actually a lot of compounds and juices out on the market the use a series of the naturally occuring enzymes and hormones in the plant to cause specific growth reponses. Ethylene for instance has been used for many years to force fruits the bear early in and on schedule with commerical...
  6. W

    Mutant Leaf Shape

    Ive been thinking about this a lot myself. Ive got the idea of finding a plant thats related to grass in some way (kind of like how catnip is grasses cousin) but has a very unique look outside of herb, kind of like the ducksfoot. I figured that without crossbreeding eventually one plant will...
  7. W


    ive heard great results with herb, but bong water thats a new one. Think you could post some comparison pics? I couldn't see why it wouldn't help the plants, all the ash caught in the water was once the plant itself, would seem like perfect nurtients for them afterwards. On that note I've also...
  8. W

    question about preflowering or when to flower

    alright man you seem to be in need of some solid advice. First thing I have is a question, that being by 24/24 do you mean your running them 24 light then 24 dark? if this is the case this will just stress the plant, after 18 hours of light the plant has reached its photosynthesis limit and will...