Recent content by whatisnow

  1. W

    Flowering plants showing symptoms

    Depends on age of your plants I think a slight yellowing is a natural occurrence when in flowering. Cannabis is a one life cycle plant so when it starts flowering the leaves begin to die to some extent. Think autumn. Anyway I'm no expert I am only on my first grow with about 2 weeks left but...
  2. W

    First Grow blues..

    Honda I was having similar problems with my ds90. I have a 400w bulb and was hitting 31-33c without the door open. So I kept the door open and it was around 26c which is perfect but not practical obviously. Went and got a air cooled hood and now it sits around 26c with the door closed! Would...
  3. W

    Growth spurts - Need some advice!

    can anyone tell me if I should prune these are something? I'm getting the beginnings of bud sites and they seem to be covered from foliage. thanks in advance
  4. W

    Growth spurts - Need some advice!

    Hey thanks for the reply low profile. Is this sort of overlap not a problem then?
  5. W

    Growth spurts - Need some advice!

    So it's my first grow as any regular on this forum has probably figured out due to the large amounts of help me posts I have made. I started flowering my plants on the weekend and they have grown a ridiculous amount and are now touching and overlapping. One side of one of my plants is drooping...
  6. W

    Phone call

    Can't speak for US banks as I am from the UK but I worked for a bank for 5 years so maybe this will help. In the UK if you make a transaction that looks like suspicious activity on your account then the fraud prevention section will sometimes call you. Now don't take suspicious activity to...
  7. W

    The Mother Questions

    Hi Jeff, Thanks again I did see this last night but I was already in my nest so left my response till now. I think I might have to get another cfl then. I'll maybe use an oscillating fan to for strengthen the stem but I don't want to fork out for another can fan. Nutes I am using atm are...
  8. W

    The Mother Questions

    Hi Jeffdogg, Thanks for the reply. Appreciate the comments. Good to know about veg time. I would have probably started cutting around 4 weeks. I'll watch the video I'm sure it will help. What you think about the first 3 questions. That cfl alright?
  9. W

    The Mother Questions

    Hello folks, So right now I am about 4 weeks into my first ever grow! Here are 2 pics for you: Now I know they're maybe not perfect specimens but this has been a learning experience. They are Domina Star for those that are interested, I have never smoke it myself but have only heard great...
  10. W

    Help with Leaves

    SpicySativa, thanks for your input appreciated and thank you very much halfaweek. Watered it down. Both my ec and my ph monitors arrive tomorrow. I just did have the cash to get all my equipment when I started. Your help is appreciated thanks folks
  11. W

    Help with Leaves

    yeah a wee bit. If it is a slight nute burn do i need to flush entirely or can I water down the tank? Just my drill pump doesn't arrive till tomorrow and it will be a bit difficult to change (although it is doable)
  12. W

    Help with Leaves

    Hi I am looking for some help diagnosing this leaves. Sorry I know I have posted these elsewhere but still trying to find an answer. The first three are examples of the problems leaves on one of my plants. The last is to show you how my healthy ones look. They are Domina Star plants...
  13. W

    Whats your favourite weed? Conosiuers ONLY

    Just looked up the seeds for you. Heavy Duty Fruity is only done by TH Seeds. It yields 400 - 600gr per m2. Doesn't mention potency but honestly mate trust me if you are growing 4 strains you gotta try this at some point. Blue Dream is apparently the most bought strain in Cali (a couple of...
  14. W

    Whats your favourite weed? Conosiuers ONLY

    Not a connoisseur of growing but I've smoked an awful lot of nice strains: Heavy Duty Fruity Blue Dream Grandaddy Purple Romulan If I can ever get the room to grow a mother it will definitely be Heavy Duty Fruity. I had some from a well known MOM and it was incredible!
  15. W

    Are these leaves ok?

    Hi chucky, Nah I haven't pulled any leaves off. These are close ups of the leaves on the plant. The details are: Hydro - NFT Tray Hesi Growth Nutes Just over 3 weeks old 400W HPS Dual Spectrum light 26c 5.5 - 6.0 ph (my ph meter is sitting waiting for me to collect) Still Vegging atm Domina...