Recent content by whoisit

  1. W

    My First GrowJOURNAL. woOo.

    yo, I have my lights on during the night and that's one of the reasons(temps), other benefits include(when using hps lights) less chances of a circuit overload cause no one is using shit at that time(or less than they would during the day), and other shit I can't rmbr right now cause I'm stoned
  2. W

    Your First Joint

    lol thats so funny, i thought i was the only one that thought my weed was laced the first time i got high as fuck, i thought it had pcp or someshit cause of the myths and the stoned state of mind i was in plus i guess a little paranoia, thats such a buzzkill tho.
  3. W

    Marijuana is the gateway drug to meth and harder drugs.

    bs, anyone who loves themselves would never do that shit, i myself know i would never become a meth head tweaker or anything like that because i know it causes permanent damage so i would never touch the stuff in the first place.