Recent content by williamw53

  1. W

    4 tries in one year, what's the problem?

    if theres to much sodium in the water, ur screwed. plants will die every time. u could try the local river or lake water if you cant filter it with a r/o filter.
  2. W

    4 tries in one year, what's the problem?

    no nutes until you have a rooted growing plant. then real weak for a while. Do not use soil with added nutes AT ALL. IT KILLS. one or drops of lemon juice per gallon of water should adjust your ph.
  3. W

    Denver Craigslist Clones???

    Don't you know anyone else that grows? I get my clone/cutting from a fellow grower and then turn it into a momma. Learn to make your own clones. willi
  4. W

    clones leaves keep sriviling up under dome

    i have gotten away from the domes entirely. Too easy for the plants to share pests and diseases. I take my cuttings and root them in individual cups about the size of a dixie cup with just moistened pro mix in them. mist the cuttings well and enclose the cutting/cup/soil in a regular sandwich...
  5. W

    HELP !!!! deficiency or nute burn

    I did the same thing a couple months ago. the miracle gro soil is no good for indoor. Too much nitrogen if you add any nutes at all. I eventually hd to strat over they were stunted so bad i didn't even take cuttings from them. willi
  6. W

    Does pot size really matter?

    ok if its rootbound then it's time to transplant? or should it be done before this stage? willi
  7. W

    how much ventilation?

    I just started growing indoors. i have a 4x8x8 grow room with a small vent leading directly outdoors. Can any experienced growers tell me if this should be enough vent when using two 600w hid grow lights. i just took them out from under a four bulb flourescent.they are still rather small plants...