Recent content by WillyBagseed

  1. WillyBagseed

    Mass Murder by Blade, you Vast Idiots

    I own a couple of guns , I am pro gun. However , I am pro regulation. I am armed for 2 reasons. 1 I like to hunt. 2 For protection from people who claim to be pro gun but are actually retarded people who can't read the constitution. If ye could you can only come up with 1 of 2...
  2. WillyBagseed

    Minimum Wage Would Be $21.72 If It Kept Pace With Increases In Productivity

    Why do average wages follow productivity up all the way into the early 80's and then go flat and in some cases down? One of your answers is..... Compare upper management compensation to the same productivity increase. It goes up the same as an average workers into the early 80's and then ...
  3. WillyBagseed

    Obama Should Order the CIA to Assassinate Snowden...

    lol me 2... oops on the Ruger
  4. WillyBagseed

    Obama Should Order the CIA to Assassinate Snowden...

    Possible , if the drone doesn't get you first. Btw, I am pro gun. Old Colt Python .357, 2x Remmy 10-22 and a Remmy 870. Plus a few odds and ends , My mothers side of the family are Southwest Pennsylvania Hillbillies. I only argue with gun nuts because they remind me of bible thumpers...
  5. WillyBagseed

    Obama Should Order the CIA to Assassinate Snowden...

    By the way. Are any of you actually ignorant enough to think your .50cal, 9mm, 7.62 ,.223 or anything else you own is going to protect you from an abrams tank, a drone..... Lol
  6. WillyBagseed

    Obama Should Order the CIA to Assassinate Snowden...

    I myself don't care either way. What i care about is not picking and choosing only what you like about the constitution. Like many religious folk do either their bible. Either: shall not be infringed Meaning crazies and felons get to have guns Or Gun rights with regulations You can make a...
  7. WillyBagseed

    Obama Should Order the CIA to Assassinate Snowden...

    Shall not be infringed It doesn't say shall not be infringed except in cases of felonies or mental instability.
  8. WillyBagseed

    Obama Should Order the CIA to Assassinate Snowden...

    The other part would be "organized". Rules and or regulations are needed for an organized, well run militia. Still waiting on an answer about felons and guns. If any regulation is considered infringement then felons and crazies should be allowed to have guns. Taking their right away is...
  9. WillyBagseed

    Obama Should Order the CIA to Assassinate Snowden...

    Now tell the other part of what it means... Lol And what about the felons guns?
  10. WillyBagseed

    Obama Should Order the CIA to Assassinate Snowden...

    You people do know the 2nd was put in for militias, mostly in the south don't you. The part about fighting a tyrannical government is a more recent made up argument . Please read up on your history instead of fliers printed by nut jobs claiming to be patriots using false history for their...
  11. WillyBagseed

    Obama Should Order the CIA to Assassinate Snowden...

    Besides saying shall not be infringed it also says well regulated. Take both or none. If you are upset with gun regulations i hope you are fighting the good fight to get felons their guns back. Even if you try to say a felon loses the right to bear arms you would be wrong. That in and of itself...
  12. WillyBagseed

    Obama Should Order the CIA to Assassinate Snowden...

    It is not being a traitor informing US citizens that their Government is spying on them (aka fucking over the 4th amendment) it is called patriotism to support the constitution. as long as you read the whole constitution and not pick and choose from it, as in ....different subject but you...
  13. WillyBagseed

    Daily CEO pay now exceeds average worker's annual salary

    If ye wish to have a truly free libertarian country go move to Somalia..... let me know how much it rocks...... lol
  14. WillyBagseed

    Daily CEO pay now exceeds average worker's annual salary

    You do realize that the USA did in fact have a max wage cap. One of the main reasons the middle class is going away is the fact that profits that at one time would go towards pay increases for workers instead are going to upper management. Follow the $$$ trail and you will see that as...
  15. WillyBagseed

    Gold. GOLD!!!!! Gooooollllllllllddddddd!!!!!!!!

    Apmex is where I get mine also. ( I used to have an issue with collecting sunshine bars) Another good investment at least in Colorado. AMMO - you wouldn't believe what crazies pay in markup because they think the government is buying it all up. They don't realize it is they that are buying it...