Recent content by wonderskott

  1. W

    Am I permanently fucked?

    thats some deep shit man i feel you on the addictive part. Im not gonna giv out my age, but wen i was lik 16 and 17 i would smoke everday ,ultiple times a day for weeks on end and feel this. The best way to get over it is run out of weed and force urself not to buy any. Then the next thing you...
  2. W


    I snorted like 5 of the mini ones too, i didnt feel like i overdosed a bit
  3. W

    First time xtc quadstack

    Yea well good thing i got those for free. So real Xtc isnt like that? Shit im gonna buy it in powder form then i dont want some cut bullshit, i only did xtc once cuzza thjat experince. I got a friend with it in pure powder form so ima get my hands on that.
  4. W

    Ketamine first time

    Hey im a little lost on the reboot thing u guys were talkin about. Can u elaborate a bit?
  5. W

    E.O. Barring release of Birth Certificate

    Thats not anything close to a birth certificate. I doubt obama had anything to do with that birth certifcate, it was probally some perosn on the net that made it just for rumors and other bs. A real birth certificate has alot more info, and most importantly, a stamp.
  6. W

    First time xtc quadstack

    Ok so i quad stacked some air plain pill of extc. It was lik the worst/best day of my life. I know for a fact that shit wasnt pure mdma, cuz it hit me in waves. Lookin back on it i relaized a quad stack was a bit much for my first time, ive done most opiates several times, hella weed, xanax shit...
  7. W


    Sorry bout your dealer man. But seriosuly ive taken 9 1mg tablets crushed and its a very drunk feeling, im 6 3 and weigh 140 but im pretty tolernt to most Drugs. U gotta be careful with benzos cuz if ther mixed with other drugs like alcohol, opiates or even weed, its easy to overdose. Benzos...
  8. W

    LED Grow

    this is my current set up, the led light is in the mail
  9. W

    LED Grow

    Also when i put the plants outside, should i just let them have 8 hours light to adjust for like a week and then let them go the whole day and transplant them in the ground?
  10. W

    LED Grow

    See the thing is i dont have a female end for flourenecnt or any other types of lights so im stuck with leds. This is my grow space, very small as you can see.
  11. W

    LED Grow

    well i dont mind the led thing because my area is only 2.5 or 3.5 feet tall, when the lights in ther the plant cant get taller then a foot counting the pot for the plant, and i can make the led's closer and farther, like i said its only for a month then it goes outside for the sun
  12. W

    LED Grow

    Ok so im about to order a 12" by 12" set of LEDS off of ebay for like 30 with free shipping, i only want to use the led's for the first 3 weeks to a month of growing from sprout, i here blue is the color to use when you are just sprouting and veggy, not for budding and flowering. Since i an...